FX チャンネル V.1.3.1 を購読する
Market Sessions
Pine Script
4 つの市場取引セッション (デフォルトでは東京、ロンドン、ニューヨーク、シドニー) を追跡するのに役立つシンプルなインジケーターで、4 つの異なる視覚形式 (ボックス、タイムライン、エリア、色付きローソク足) で表示され、その他多くの便利なツールが提供されます。 このインジケーターは、さまざまな市場取引セッションのアクティビティと時間の重複をより深く理解するのに役立ち、取引戦略をより適切に計画および実行できるようになります。
すべての取引セッションの表示/非表示、名前の変更、色の変更、開始/終了時間の設定が可能です。 取引のニーズや個人の好みに合わせて、インジケーターの外観と設定をカスタマイズできます。 ニーズと時間枠に合わせて調整し、市場活動をより適切に追跡および分析します。
- 「Change (Pips)」 - 取引セッションの高値と安値、または取引セッションの始値と終値の間のピップの差を取引セッションのラベルに追加します。
- 「変化 (%)」 - 取引セッションの高値と安値の間のパーセンテージの差、または取引セッションの始値と終値の間のパーセンテージの差を取引セッションのラベルに追加します。
- 「オーバーラップのマージ」 - 重複する取引セッションをマージし、一度に 1 つのセッションのみを表示します (東京の終了時刻がロンドンの開始時刻に移動、ロンドンの終了時刻がニューヨークの開始時刻に移動、ニューヨークの終了時刻がシドニーの開始時刻に移動、シドニー) 終了時間が東京の開始時間に移動されました)。
- 「週末を非表示」 - これにより、スクリプトが週末 (市場が閉まっているとき) に取引セッションを描画できなくなります。
- 「始値/終値ライン」 - 取引セッションの開始価格から終値 (取引セッションが進行中の場合は現在の価格) までの線を描きます。
- 「期間 0.5 レベル」 - これは、取引セッションの高値と安値の間の中間の水平線を描きます。
- 「色付きキャンドル」 - 取引セッションの色を使用してキャンドルに色を付け、それらが属する取引セッションを示します。
- 「表示タイプ」 - 取引セッションを視覚化する 3 つの異なる方法 (ボックス、エリア、ローソク足) から選択します。
- 「Lookback Days」 - この入力は、過去 X 日間 (1 = 1 日) の取引セッションのみをプロットするようにスクリプトに指示します。
- 「変更(% / ポイント)」 - ここで「変更(ポイント)」と「変更(%)」タブを選択します。 「取引セッションの高値/安値」を選択すると、取引セッションの高値と安値の間の変化量が表示され、「取引セッションの開始/終了」を選択すると、取引セッションの開始時と終了時の変化量が表示されます。
- 「入力タイムゾーン」 - これは、取引セッションの開始/終了時刻入力のタイムゾーンを定義します (何をしているのかわからない場合は、これを変更する必要はありません)。
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © 1uptick
indicator("Market Sessions", overlay = true, max_boxes_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500)
// Box generation code inspired by Jos(TradingCode), session box visuals inspired by @boitoki
// Session 1 - user inputs
showTokyo = input.bool(true, '', inline='Tokyo', group='Sessions')
stringTokyo = input.string('Tokyo', '', inline='Tokyo', group='Sessions')
TokyoTimeX = input.session(defval="0000-0900", title=' ', inline='Tokyo2', group='Sessions', tooltip = 'If you want to change the start/end time of the session, just make sure they are in UTC. There is no need to change the timezone of your Tradingview chart or to change the Timezone input below, because the sessions will be plotted correctly as long as the start/end time is set in UTC.')
TokyoCol = input.color(color.rgb(255, 153, 0, 90), '' , inline='Tokyo', group='Sessions')
// Session 2 - user inputs
showLondon = input.bool(true, '', inline='London', group='Sessions')
stringLondon = input.string('London', '', inline='London', group='Sessions')
LondonTimeX = input.session(defval="0700-1600", title=' ', inline='London2', group='Sessions', tooltip = 'If you want to change the start/end time of the session, just make sure they are in UTC. There is no need to change the timezone of your Tradingview chart or to change the Timezone input below, because the sessions will be plotted correctly as long as the start/end time is set in UTC.')
LondonCol = input.color(color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 90), '' , inline='London', group='Sessions')
// Session 3 - user inputs
showNewYork = input.bool(true, title='', inline='New York', group='Sessions')
stringNewYork = input.string('New York', '', inline='New York', group='Sessions')
NewYorkTimeX = input.session(defval="1300-2200", title=' ', inline='New York2', group='Sessions', tooltip = 'If you want to change the start/end time of the session, just make sure they are in UTC. There is no need to change the timezone of your Tradingview chart or to change the Timezone input below, because the sessions will be plotted correctly as long as the start/end time is set in UTC.')
NewYorkCol = input.color(color.rgb(33, 149, 243, 90), '', inline='New York', group='Sessions')
// Session 4 - user inputs
showSydney = input.bool(false, title='', inline='Sydney', group='Sessions')
stringSydney = input.string('Sydney', '', inline='Sydney', group='Sessions')
SydneyTimeX = input.session(defval="2100-0600", title=' ', inline='Sydney2', group='Sessions', tooltip = 'If you want to change the start/end time of the session, just make sure they are in UTC. There is no need to change the timezone of your Tradingview chart or to change the Timezone input below, because the sessions will be plotted correctly as long as the start/end time is set in UTC.')
SydneyCol = input.color(color.rgb(164, 97, 187, 90), '', inline='Sydney', group='Sessions')
// Additional tools and settings - user inputs
pipChange = input.bool(false, 'Change (Pips) ', inline='0', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
percentChange = input.bool(false, 'Change (%)', inline='0', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
merge = input.bool(false, 'Merge Overlaps', inline='2', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
hideWeekends = input.bool(true, 'Hide Weekends', inline='2', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
sessionOC = input.bool(true, 'Open/Close Line', inline='3', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
halfline = input.bool(false, 'Session 0.5 Level', inline='3', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
colorcandles = input.bool(false, 'Color Candles ', inline='4', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
showScreener = input.bool(false, 'Screener (Soon)', inline='4', group = 'Additional Tools and Settings')
displayType = input.string('Boxes', 'Display Type', options = ['Boxes', 'Zones','Timeline', 'Candles'], group='Additional Tools and Settings', tooltip='Choose whether the scripts should plot session in the for of boxes or colored background zones.')
daysBack = input.float(150, 'Lookback (Days)', group='Additional Tools and Settings', tooltip= 'This inputs defines the lookback period for plotting sessions. Eg. If it is set to 1, only the sessions of the past day will appear')
changeType = input.string('Session High/Low','Change (%/Pips) Source', options = ['Session High/Low', 'Session Open/Close'], group='Additional Tools and Settings', tooltip='Choose whether the Change (%) and Change (Pips) should measure the distance between Session High and Session Low or the distance between Session Open and Session Close.')
SessionZone = input.string("UTC", title="Input Timezone", group='Additional Tools and Settings', tooltip = 'This input is defining the timezone for the session times selected above. It has nothing to do with the timezone of your chart, because the sessions will be plotted correctly even if your chart is not set to UTC.')
// Appearance - user inputs
borderWidth = input.int(1, 'Box Border', inline='border', group='Appearance')
borderStyle = input.string('Dashed', '', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'] , inline='border', group='Appearance', tooltip='Select the width and style of session box borders')
levelsStyle = input.string('Dashed', 'Line Style', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], group='Appearance', tooltip='Select the style of 0.5 and Open/Close lines.')
labelSize = input.string('Normal', 'Label Size', options = ['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal'], group='Appearance', tooltip='Select the size of text labels.')
showLabels = input.bool(true, 'Session Labels ', inline='00', group = 'Appearance')
colorBoxes = input.bool(true, 'Box Background', inline='00', group = 'Appearance')
// Excluding or Including Weekends
var TokyoTime = hideWeekends ? TokyoTimeX+":123456" : TokyoTimeX+":1234567"
var LondonTime = hideWeekends ? LondonTimeX+":123456" : LondonTimeX+":1234567"
var NewYorkTime = hideWeekends ? NewYorkTimeX+":123456" : NewYorkTimeX+":1234567"
var SydneyTime = hideWeekends ? SydneyTimeX+":123456" : SydneyTimeX+":1234567"
// Defining Line Style and Label Size Variables
lineStyle(x) =>
switch x
'Solid' => line.style_solid
'Dashed' => line.style_dashed
'Dotted' => line.style_dotted
labelStyle(x) =>
switch x
'Auto' => size.auto
'Tiny' => size.tiny
'Small' => size.small
'Normal' => size.normal
// Calculating inRange, used for lookback
MSPD = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
lastBarDate = timestamp(year(timenow), month(timenow), dayofmonth(timenow), hour(timenow), minute(timenow), second(timenow))
thisBarDate = timestamp(year, month, dayofmonth, hour, minute, second)
daysLeft = math.abs(math.floor((lastBarDate - thisBarDate) / MSPD))
inRange = daysLeft < daysBack
// Session Time
InTokyo(TokyoTime, TokyoTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
not na(time(timeframe.period, TokyoTime, SessionZone))
InLondon(LondonTime, LondonTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
not na(time(timeframe.period, LondonTime, SessionZone))
InNewYork(NewYorkTime, NewYorkTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
not na(time(timeframe.period, NewYorkTime, SessionZone))
InSydney(SydneyTime, SydneyTimeZone=syminfo.timezone) =>
not na(time(timeframe.period, SydneyTime, SessionZone))
// Creating variables Session High, Low, Open and Session Boxes, Lines and Texts
var TokyoHighPrice = 0.0, var TokyoLowPrice = 0.0, var TokyoOpenPrice = 0.0, var box TokyoBox = na, var line TokyoLine = na, var label TokyoLabel = na, var line TokyoOC = na, var string TokyoText = str.tostring(stringTokyo)
var LondonHighPrice = 0.0, var LondonLowPrice = 0.0, var LondonOpenPrice = 0.0, var box LondonBox = na, var line LondonLine = na, var label LondonLabel = na, var line LondonOC = na, var string LondonText = str.tostring(stringLondon)
var NewYorkHighPrice = 0.0, var NewYorkLowPrice = 0.0, var NewYorkOpenPrice = 0.0, var box NewYorkBox = na, var line NewYorkLine = na, var label NewYorkLabel = na, var line NewYorkOC = na, var string NewYorkText = str.tostring(stringNewYork)
var SydneyHighPrice = 0.0, var SydneyLowPrice = 0.0, var SydneyOpenPrice = 0.0, var box SydneyBox = na, var line SydneyLine = na, var label SydneyLabel = na, var line SydneyOC = na, var string SydneyText = str.tostring(stringSydney)
// Checking if session is active/has started
inTokyo = InTokyo(TokyoTime, SessionZone) and timeframe.isintraday
TokyoStart = inTokyo and not inTokyo[1]
inLondon = InLondon(LondonTime, SessionZone) and timeframe.isintraday
LondonStart = inLondon and not inLondon[1]
inNewYork = InNewYork(NewYorkTime, SessionZone) and timeframe.isintraday
NewYorkStart = inNewYork and not inNewYork[1]
inSydney = InSydney(SydneyTime, SessionZone) and timeframe.isintraday
SydneyStart = inSydney and not inSydney[1]
// Settings high, low, open at the beggining of the session
if TokyoStart
TokyoHighPrice := high
TokyoLowPrice := low
TokyoOpenPrice := open
if LondonStart
LondonHighPrice := high
LondonLowPrice := low
LondonOpenPrice := open
if NewYorkStart
NewYorkHighPrice := high
NewYorkLowPrice := low
NewYorkOpenPrice := open
if SydneyStart
SydneyHighPrice := high
SydneyLowPrice := low
SydneyOpenPrice := open
// Track session's max high and max low during the session
else if inTokyo
TokyoHighPrice := math.max(TokyoHighPrice, high)
TokyoLowPrice := math.min(TokyoLowPrice, low)
else if inLondon
LondonHighPrice := math.max(LondonHighPrice, high)
LondonLowPrice := math.min(LondonLowPrice, low)
else if inNewYork
NewYorkHighPrice := math.max(NewYorkHighPrice, high)
NewYorkLowPrice := math.min(NewYorkLowPrice, low)
else if inSydney
SydneyHighPrice := math.max(SydneyHighPrice, high)
SydneyLowPrice := math.min(SydneyLowPrice, low)
// Plotting session boxes at the beginning of each session
if TokyoStart and showTokyo and inRange
TokyoBox := displayType=='Boxes' ? box.new(left=bar_index, top=na, right=na, bottom=na, border_width=borderWidth, bgcolor = colorBoxes ? TokyoCol : na, border_style = lineStyle(borderStyle), border_color=color.new(TokyoCol, 40)) : na
TokyoLine := halfline ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(TokyoCol, 40)) : na
TokyoLabel := showLabels ? label.new(x=na, y=na, text=TokyoText, textcolor=color.new(TokyoCol, 40), color=color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=labelStyle(labelSize)) : na
TokyoOC := sessionOC ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=TokyoOpenPrice, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(TokyoCol, 40)) : na
if LondonStart and showLondon and inRange
LondonBox := displayType=='Boxes' ? box.new(left=bar_index, top=na, right=na, bottom=na, border_width=borderWidth, bgcolor = colorBoxes ? LondonCol : na, border_style = lineStyle(borderStyle), border_color=color.new(LondonCol, 40)) : na
LondonLine := halfline ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(LondonCol, 40)) : na
LondonLabel := showLabels ? label.new(x=na, y=na, text=LondonText, textcolor=color.new(LondonCol, 40), color=color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=labelStyle(labelSize)) : na
LondonOC := sessionOC ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=LondonOpenPrice, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(LondonCol, 40)) : na
if NewYorkStart and showNewYork and inRange
NewYorkBox := displayType=='Boxes' ? box.new(left=bar_index, top=na, right=na, bottom=na, border_width=borderWidth, bgcolor = colorBoxes ? NewYorkCol : na, border_style = lineStyle(borderStyle), border_color=color.new(NewYorkCol, 40)) : na
NewYorkLine := halfline ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(NewYorkCol, 40)) : na
NewYorkLabel := showLabels ? label.new(x=na, y=na, text=NewYorkText, textcolor=color.new(NewYorkCol, 40), color=color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=labelStyle(labelSize)) : na
NewYorkOC := sessionOC ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=NewYorkOpenPrice, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(NewYorkCol, 40)) : na
if SydneyStart and showSydney and inRange
SydneyBox := displayType=='Boxes' ? box.new(left=bar_index, top=na, right=na, bottom=na, border_width=borderWidth, bgcolor = colorBoxes ? SydneyCol : na, border_style = lineStyle(borderStyle), border_color=color.new(SydneyCol, 40)) : na
SydneyLine := halfline ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(SydneyCol, 40)) : na
SydneyLabel := showLabels ? label.new(x=na, y=na, text=SydneyText, textcolor=color.new(SydneyCol, 40), color=color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=labelStyle(labelSize)) : na
SydneyOC := sessionOC ? line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=SydneyOpenPrice, x2=na, y2=na, style=lineStyle(levelsStyle), color = color.new(SydneyCol, 40)) : na
// Creating variables for alternative Sessions Box top and bottom (used for merging sessions)
var float TokyoHighM = 0, var float TokyoLowM = 0, var float LondonHighM = 0, var float LondonLowM = 0, var float NewYorkHighM = 0, var float NewYorkLowM = 0, var float SydneyHighM = 0, var float SydneyLowM = 0
// Updating session boxes during sessions
if inTokyo and inRange
TokyoHighPrice := math.max(TokyoHighPrice, high)
TokyoLowPrice := math.min(TokyoLowPrice, low)
box.set_top(TokyoBox, TokyoHighPrice)
box.set_bottom(TokyoBox, TokyoLowPrice)
box.set_right(TokyoBox, bar_index + 1)
label.set_x(TokyoLabel, (box.get_left(TokyoBox)+box.get_right(TokyoBox))/2)
label.set_y(TokyoLabel, TokyoHighPrice)
if sessionOC
line.set_x2(TokyoOC, bar_index)
line.set_y2(TokyoOC, close)
if halfline
line.set_y1(TokyoLine, (TokyoHighPrice+TokyoLowPrice)/2)
line.set_y2(TokyoLine, (TokyoHighPrice+TokyoLowPrice)/2)
line.set_x2(TokyoLine, bar_index+1)
if merge and not inLondon and showLondon
TokyoHighM := TokyoHighPrice
TokyoLowM := TokyoLowPrice
if merge and inLondon and showLondon
box.set_top(TokyoBox, TokyoHighM)
box.set_bottom(TokyoBox, TokyoLowM)
label.set_y(TokyoLabel, TokyoHighM)
box.set_right(TokyoBox, (box.get_left(LondonBox)))
line.set_x2(TokyoLine, (box.get_left(LondonBox)))
label.set_x(TokyoLabel, (box.get_left(TokyoBox)+box.get_right(TokyoBox))/2)
line.set_x2(TokyoOC, (box.get_left(LondonBox)))
line.set_y2(TokyoOC, LondonOpenPrice)
line.set_y1(TokyoLine, (TokyoHighM+TokyoLowM)/2)
line.set_y2(TokyoLine, (TokyoHighM+TokyoLowM)/2)
var float pips = 0
var float chg = 0
pips := changeType=='Session High/Low' ? ((TokyoHighPrice - TokyoLowPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10) : ((close - TokyoOpenPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10)
chg := changeType=='Session Open/Close' ? (100 * (close - TokyoOpenPrice) / TokyoOpenPrice) : ((TokyoHighPrice - TokyoLowPrice) / TokyoLowPrice * 100)
if percentChange and not pipChange
label.set_text(TokyoLabel, str.tostring(TokyoText) + ' (' + str.tostring(chg, format.percent) + ')')
if pipChange and not percentChange
label.set_text(TokyoLabel, str.tostring(TokyoText) + ' (' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
if percentChange and pipChange
label.set_text(TokyoLabel, str.tostring(TokyoText) + ' ('+ str.tostring(chg, format.percent)+ ' • ' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
if inLondon and inRange
LondonHighPrice := math.max(LondonHighPrice, high)
LondonLowPrice := math.min(LondonLowPrice, low)
box.set_top(LondonBox, LondonHighPrice)
box.set_bottom(LondonBox, LondonLowPrice)
box.set_right(LondonBox, bar_index+1)
label.set_x(LondonLabel, (box.get_left(LondonBox)+box.get_right(LondonBox))/2)
label.set_y(LondonLabel, LondonHighPrice)
if sessionOC
line.set_x2(LondonOC, bar_index)
line.set_y2(LondonOC, close)
if halfline
line.set_y1(LondonLine, (LondonHighPrice+LondonLowPrice)/2)
line.set_y2(LondonLine, (LondonHighPrice+LondonLowPrice)/2)
line.set_x2(LondonLine, bar_index+1)
if merge and not inNewYork and showNewYork
LondonHighM := LondonHighPrice
LondonLowM := LondonLowPrice
if merge and inNewYork and showNewYork
box.set_top(LondonBox, LondonHighM)
box.set_bottom(LondonBox, LondonLowM)
label.set_y(LondonLabel, LondonHighM)
box.set_right(LondonBox, (box.get_left(NewYorkBox)))
line.set_x2(LondonLine, (box.get_left(NewYorkBox)))
label.set_x(LondonLabel, (box.get_left(LondonBox)+box.get_right(LondonBox))/2)
line.set_x2(LondonOC, (box.get_left(NewYorkBox)))
line.set_y2(LondonOC, NewYorkOpenPrice)
line.set_y1(LondonLine, (LondonHighM+LondonLowM)/2)
line.set_y2(LondonLine, (LondonHighM+LondonLowM)/2)
var float pips = 0
var float chg = 0
pips := changeType=='Session High/Low' ? ((LondonHighPrice - LondonLowPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10) : ((close - LondonOpenPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10)
chg := changeType=='Session Open/Close' ? (100 * (close - LondonOpenPrice) / LondonOpenPrice) : ((LondonHighPrice - LondonLowPrice) / LondonLowPrice * 100)
if percentChange and not pipChange
label.set_text(LondonLabel, str.tostring(LondonText) + ' (' + str.tostring(chg, format.percent) + ')')
if pipChange and not percentChange
label.set_text(LondonLabel, str.tostring(LondonText) + ' (' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
if percentChange and pipChange
label.set_text(LondonLabel, str.tostring(LondonText) + ' ('+ str.tostring(chg, format.percent)+ ' • ' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
if inNewYork and inRange
NewYorkHighPrice := math.max(NewYorkHighPrice, high)
NewYorkLowPrice := math.min(NewYorkLowPrice, low)
box.set_top(NewYorkBox, NewYorkHighPrice)
box.set_bottom(NewYorkBox, NewYorkLowPrice)
box.set_right(NewYorkBox, bar_index + 1)
label.set_x(NewYorkLabel, (box.get_left(NewYorkBox)+box.get_right(NewYorkBox))/2)
label.set_y(NewYorkLabel, NewYorkHighPrice)
if sessionOC
line.set_x2(NewYorkOC, bar_index)
line.set_y2(NewYorkOC, close)
if halfline
line.set_y1(NewYorkLine, (NewYorkHighPrice+NewYorkLowPrice)/2)
line.set_y2(NewYorkLine, (NewYorkHighPrice+NewYorkLowPrice)/2)
line.set_x2(NewYorkLine, bar_index+1)
if merge and not inSydney and showSydney
NewYorkHighM := NewYorkHighPrice
NewYorkLowM := NewYorkLowPrice
if merge and inSydney and showSydney
box.set_top(NewYorkBox, NewYorkHighM)
box.set_bottom(NewYorkBox, NewYorkLowM)
label.set_y(NewYorkLabel, NewYorkHighM)
box.set_right(NewYorkBox, (box.get_left(SydneyBox)))
line.set_x2(NewYorkLine, (box.get_left(SydneyBox)))
label.set_x(NewYorkLabel, (box.get_left(NewYorkBox)+box.get_right(NewYorkBox))/2)
line.set_x2(NewYorkOC, (box.get_left(SydneyBox)))
line.set_y2(NewYorkOC, SydneyOpenPrice)
line.set_y1(NewYorkLine, (NewYorkHighM+NewYorkLowM)/2)
line.set_y2(NewYorkLine, (NewYorkHighM+NewYorkLowM)/2)
var float pips = 0
var float chg = 0
pips := changeType=='Session High/Low' ? ((NewYorkHighPrice - NewYorkLowPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10) : ((close - NewYorkOpenPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10)
chg := changeType=='Session Open/Close' ? (100 * (close - NewYorkOpenPrice) / NewYorkOpenPrice) : ((NewYorkHighPrice - NewYorkLowPrice) / NewYorkLowPrice * 100)
if percentChange and not pipChange
label.set_text(NewYorkLabel, str.tostring(NewYorkText) + ' (' + str.tostring(chg, format.percent) + ')')
if pipChange and not percentChange
label.set_text(NewYorkLabel, str.tostring(NewYorkText) + ' (' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
if percentChange and pipChange
label.set_text(NewYorkLabel, str.tostring(NewYorkText) + ' ('+ str.tostring(chg, format.percent)+ ' • ' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
if inSydney and inRange
SydneyHighPrice := math.max(SydneyHighPrice, high)
SydneyLowPrice := math.min(SydneyLowPrice, low)
box.set_top(SydneyBox, SydneyHighPrice)
box.set_bottom(SydneyBox, SydneyLowPrice)
box.set_right(SydneyBox, bar_index + 1)
label.set_x(SydneyLabel, (box.get_left(SydneyBox)+box.get_right(SydneyBox))/2)
label.set_y(SydneyLabel, SydneyHighPrice)
if sessionOC
line.set_x2(SydneyOC, bar_index)
line.set_y2(SydneyOC, close)
if halfline
line.set_y1(SydneyLine, (SydneyHighPrice+SydneyLowPrice)/2)
line.set_y2(SydneyLine, (SydneyHighPrice+SydneyLowPrice)/2)
line.set_x2(SydneyLine, bar_index+1)
if merge and not inTokyo and showTokyo
SydneyHighM := SydneyHighPrice
SydneyLowM := SydneyLowPrice
if merge and inTokyo and showTokyo
box.set_top(SydneyBox, SydneyHighM)
box.set_bottom(SydneyBox, SydneyLowM)
label.set_y(SydneyLabel, SydneyHighM)
box.set_right(SydneyBox, (box.get_left(TokyoBox)))
line.set_x2(SydneyLine, (box.get_left(TokyoBox)))
label.set_x(SydneyLabel, (box.get_left(SydneyBox)+box.get_right(SydneyBox))/2)
line.set_x2(SydneyOC, (box.get_left(TokyoBox)))
line.set_y2(SydneyOC, TokyoOpenPrice)
line.set_y1(SydneyLine, (SydneyHighM+SydneyLowM)/2)
line.set_y2(SydneyLine, (SydneyHighM+SydneyLowM)/2)
var float pips = 0
var float chg = 0
pips := changeType=='Session High/Low' ? ((SydneyHighPrice - SydneyLowPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10) : ((close - SydneyOpenPrice) / syminfo.mintick / 10)
chg := changeType=='Session Open/Close' ? (100 * (close - SydneyOpenPrice) / SydneyOpenPrice) : ((SydneyHighPrice - SydneyLowPrice) / SydneyLowPrice * 100)
if percentChange and not pipChange
label.set_text(SydneyLabel, str.tostring(SydneyText) + ' (' + str.tostring(chg, format.percent) + ')')
if pipChange and not percentChange
label.set_text(SydneyLabel, str.tostring(SydneyText) + ' (' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
if percentChange and pipChange
label.set_text(SydneyLabel, str.tostring(SydneyText) + ' ('+ str.tostring(chg, format.percent)+ ' • ' + str.tostring(pips) + ')')
// Coloring candles
TKLO = showLondon ? (not inLondon) : true
LONY = showNewYork ? (not inNewYork) : true
NYSY = showSydney ? (not inSydney) : true
SYTK = showTokyo ? (not inTokyo) : true
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and not merge and showTokyo and inTokyo and inRange ? color.new(TokyoCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and not merge and showLondon and inLondon and inRange ? color.new(LondonCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and not merge and showNewYork and inNewYork and inRange ? color.new(NewYorkCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and not merge and showSydney and inNewYork and inRange ? color.new(SydneyCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and merge and showTokyo and inTokyo and TKLO and inRange ? color.new(TokyoCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and merge and showLondon and inLondon and LONY and inRange ? color.new(LondonCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and merge and showNewYork and inNewYork and NYSY and inRange ? color.new(NewYorkCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
barcolor((colorcandles or displayType=='Candles') and merge and showSydney and inSydney and SYTK and inRange ? color.new(SydneyCol, 40) : na, editable = false)
// Coloring background if displayType=='Zones'
TokyoT = time(timeframe.period, TokyoTime)
LondonT = time(timeframe.period, LondonTime)
NewYorkT = time(timeframe.period, NewYorkTime)
SydneyT = time(timeframe.period, SydneyTime)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and not merge and showTokyo and inRange and time == TokyoT ? TokyoCol : na, editable = false)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and not merge and showLondon and inRange and time == LondonT ? LondonCol : na, editable = false)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and not merge and showNewYork and inRange and time == NewYorkT ? NewYorkCol : na, editable = false)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and not merge and showSydney and inRange and time == SydneyT ? SydneyCol : na, editable = false)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and merge and not inLondon and showTokyo and inRange and time == TokyoT ? TokyoCol : na, editable = false)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and merge and not inNewYork and showLondon and inRange and time == LondonT ? LondonCol : na, editable = false)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and merge and not inSydney and showNewYork and inRange and time == NewYorkT ? NewYorkCol : na, editable = false)
bgcolor(displayType == 'Zones' and merge and not inTokyo and showSydney and inRange and time == SydneyT ? SydneyCol : na, editable = false)
// Plotting sessions in Timeline form
plotshape(displayType=='Timeline' and (merge and showLondon ? (showTokyo and inTokyo and not inLondon) : showTokyo and inTokyo), style=shape.square, color=TokyoCol, location = location.bottom, size=size.auto)
plotshape(displayType=='Timeline' and (merge and showNewYork ? (showLondon and inLondon and not inNewYork) : showLondon and inLondon), style=shape.square, color=LondonCol, location = location.bottom, size=size.auto)
plotshape(displayType=='Timeline' and (merge and showSydney ? (showNewYork and inNewYork and not inSydney) : showNewYork and inNewYork), style=shape.square, color=NewYorkCol, location = location.bottom, size=size.auto)
plotshape(displayType=='Timeline' and (merge and showTokyo ? (showSydney and inSydney and not inTokyo) : showSydney and inSydney), style=shape.square, color=SydneyCol, location = location.bottom, size=size.auto)
// Creating alerts
alertcondition(inTokyo and not inTokyo[1], 'Tokyo Open', 'The Tokyo Session has started')
alertcondition(inLondon and not inLondon[1], 'London Open', 'The London Session has started')
alertcondition(inNewYork and not inNewYork[1], 'New York Open', 'The New York Session has started')
alertcondition(inSydney and not inSydney[1], 'Sydney Open', 'The Sydney Session has started')
alertcondition(high > TokyoHighPrice[0] and inTokyo, 'Tokyo Session - New High', 'New High in Tokyo Session')
alertcondition(high > LondonHighPrice[0] and inLondon, 'London Session - New High', 'New High in London Session')
alertcondition(high > NewYorkHighPrice[0] and inNewYork, 'New York Session - New High', 'New High in New York Session')
alertcondition(high > SydneyHighPrice[0] and inSydney, 'Sydney Session - New High', 'New High in Sydney Session')
alertcondition(low > TokyoLowPrice[0] and inTokyo, 'Tokyo Session - New Low', 'New Low in Tokyo Session')
alertcondition(low > LondonLowPrice[0] and inLondon, 'London Session - New Low', 'New Low in London Session')
alertcondition(low > NewYorkLowPrice[0] and inNewYork, 'New York Session - New Low', 'New Low In New York Session')
alertcondition(low > SydneyLowPrice[0] and inSydney, 'Sydney Session - New Low', 'New Low In Sydney Session')
Day of Week - Volatility Report
Pine Script
さまざまな市場参加者がさまざまな取引セッションに参加します。 これは今週の市場にどのような影響を与えるでしょうか?
これらの質問には、市場参加者や市場状況などの複雑な要素が関係しており、確実な答えに到達するには、さらなるデータ分析と調査が必要になる場合があります。 取引戦略やリスク選好度が異なると、結果も異なる場合があります。 綿密な調査とバックテストを通じてこれらの問題を理解し、取引戦略に最適な取引日を決定することをお勧めします。
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © 1uptick
// Last modified: 2023-11-15
// Version 2.0
indicator("Tops & Bottoms - Time of Day Report", format = format.percent, max_labels_count = 72)
//#region Constants
int COLUMN_GAP = 2
color COLUMN_BORDERCOLOR = color.new(chart.fg_color, 80)
color COLUMN_TOP_MAX_COLOR = color.green
color COLUMN_TOP_MIN_COLOR = #0c3299
color COLUMN_BOTTOM_MAX_COLOR = color.red
color CATEGORY_LABEL_BGCOLOR = color.new(chart.bg_color, 50)
color CATEGORY_LABEL_TEXTCOLOR = chart.fg_color
array<string> TIMEFRAMES = array.from("15", "30", "60")
//#region Inputs
timezoneTooltip = "Exchange and geographical timezones may observe Daylight Saving Time (DST)."
sessionTooltip = "By default, the indicator identifies the top and bottom over the symbol's session. " +
"You can specify your custom session (in the indicator's timezone)."
noticeTitle = "Navigate to the 1-hour timeframe (30-minute timeframe if the market starts at 𝑥:30 AM or " +
"15-minute timeframe if 𝑥:15 AM) for the indicator to analyze the bars and collect tops and bottoms."
timezoneInput = input.string ("Exchange", "Timezone",
display = display.none
customSessionInput = input.bool (false, "Custom Session", inline = "Session")
sessionInput = input.session ("0000-0000", "", tooltip = sessionTooltip, inline = "Session", display = display.none)
sessionTypeInput = input.string ("All", "Session", ["All", "Up", "Down"], group = "Filters")
startDateInput = input.time (timestamp("01 Jan 1975"), "From", group = "Filters")
endDateInput = input.time (timestamp("31 Dec 2050"), "To", group = "Filters")
noticeInput = input.bool (true, noticeTitle, group = "How To Use?", confirm = true, display = display.none)
//#region Types
type Marker
float price = na
int time = na
//#region Variables declarations
var topsByHourMap = map.new<int, int>()
var bottomsByHourMap = map.new<int, int>()
var openTimesByHourMap = map.new<int, string>()
var closeTimesByHourMap = map.new<int, string>()
var top = Marker.new()
var bottom = Marker.new()
//#region Functions & methods
// @function Produce the timezone parameter from the user-selected setting.
// @returns (string) Timezone
getTimezone() =>
var _tz = switch timezoneInput
"UTC" => "UTC+0"
"Exchange" => syminfo.timezone
=> timezoneInput
// @function Get the hour in the user-selected timezone from a given UNIX time.
// @returns (int) Hour
getHour(int barTime) =>
hour(barTime, getTimezone())
// @function Get the color based on a gradient between the minimum and maximum values.
// @returns color
getGradientColor(float value, float minValue, float maxValue, color minColor, color maxColor) =>
// When `minValue` and `maxValue` are identical (on the first collected values), return the mid gradient color instead of no color.
minValue != maxValue ? color.from_gradient(value, minValue, maxValue, minColor, maxColor) : color.from_gradient(0.5, 0, 1, minColor, maxColor)
// @function Draw the columns for a given hour.
// @returns void
drawHourlyColumns(int key) =>
var _upperColumnBox = box.new(na, na, na, na, COLUMN_BORDERCOLOR)
var _lowerColumnBox = box.new(na, na, na, na, COLUMN_BORDERCOLOR)
var _upperDataLabel = label.new(na, na, color = color(na), style = label.style_label_down)
var _lowerDataLabel = label.new(na, na, color = color(na), style = label.style_label_up)
var _categoryLabel = label.new(na, na, color = CATEGORY_LABEL_BGCOLOR, style = label.style_label_center, textcolor = CATEGORY_LABEL_TEXTCOLOR)
var _gridMultiplier = COLUMN_WIDTH + COLUMN_GAP
if barstate.islast
_topsArray = topsByHourMap.values()
_bottomsArray = bottomsByHourMap.values()
// Sum the number of data sampled.
_dataSum = _topsArray.sum()
// Calculate the shares of occurrence of tops and bottoms.
_top = topsByHourMap.get(key)
_bottom = bottomsByHourMap.get(key)
_topY = nz(_top / _dataSum * 100)
_bottomY = nz(_bottom / _dataSum * 100)
// Get the coordinates for plotting the columns chart (on the left or right side of the last bar, given enough space).
_hasSpace = bar_index - 24 * _gridMultiplier > 0
_x1 = _hasSpace ? bar_index + (key - 24) * _gridMultiplier : bar_index + key * _gridMultiplier
_x2 = _x1 + COLUMN_WIDTH
_center = _x1 + COLUMN_WIDTH / 2
// Get the coloring of the columns and data labels.
_topsMin = _topsArray.min() / _dataSum * 100
_topsMax = _topsArray.max() / _dataSum * 100
_bottomsMin = _bottomsArray.min() / _dataSum * 100
_bottomsMax = _bottomsArray.max() / _dataSum * 100
_topColor = getGradientColor(_topY, _topsMin, _topsMax, COLUMN_TOP_MIN_COLOR, COLUMN_TOP_MAX_COLOR)
_bottomColor = getGradientColor(_bottomY, _bottomsMin, _bottomsMax, COLUMN_BOTTOM_MIN_COLOR, COLUMN_BOTTOM_MAX_COLOR)
// Plot the upper and lower columns for tops and bottoms.
_upperColumnBox.set_lefttop (_x1, _topY)
_upperColumnBox.set_rightbottom (_x2, 0)
_upperColumnBox.set_bgcolor (_topColor)
_lowerColumnBox.set_lefttop (_x1, 0)
_lowerColumnBox.set_rightbottom (_x2, -_bottomY)
_lowerColumnBox.set_bgcolor (_bottomColor)
// Plot the X-axis category label.
_openTime = openTimesByHourMap.get(key)
_closeTime = closeTimesByHourMap.get(key)
_isCategoryDefined = not (na(_openTime) or na(_closeTime))
_categoryLabel.set_xy (_center, 0)
_categoryLabel.set_text (str.tostring(key))
_categoryLabel.set_tooltip (_isCategoryDefined ? str.format("{0} to {1} ({2})", _openTime, _closeTime, getTimezone()) : "Not Collected")
// Plot the data labels for tops and bottoms.
if not na(_top)
_upperDataLabel.set_xy (_center, _topY)
_upperDataLabel.set_text (str.tostring(math.round(_topY)))
_upperDataLabel.set_textcolor (_topColor)
_upperDataLabel.set_tooltip (str.format("{0} based on {1} sampled days", str.tostring(_topY, format.percent), _dataSum))
if not na(_bottom)
_lowerDataLabel.set_xy (_center, -_bottomY)
_lowerDataLabel.set_text (str.tostring(math.round(_bottomY)))
_lowerDataLabel.set_textcolor (_bottomColor)
_lowerDataLabel.set_tooltip (str.format("{0} based on {1} sampled days", str.tostring(_bottomY, format.percent), _dataSum))
// @function Check if the day/custom session matches the user-selected session type filter.
// @returns bool
isValidSessionType(start, end) =>
var float _open = na
bool _isValid = na
if start
_open := open
if end
_isValid := switch sessionTypeInput
"All" => not na(_open[1])
"Up" => close[1] > _open[1]
"Down" => close[1] < _open[1]
// @function Check if the current bar time is in the user-selected time range filter.
// @returns bool
isInTimeRange() =>
time >= startDateInput and time <= endDateInput
// @function Produce the UNIX time of the current date at a specified time in the user-selected timezone.
// @returns (int) UNIX time
getTime(int h, int m) =>
timestamp(getTimezone(), year, month, dayofmonth, h, m, second)
// @function Get the current day's session dates from a given session string.
// @returns ([int, int]) Start and end UNIX time
getSessionTimes(sessionString) =>
[getTime(int(str.tonumber(str.substring(sessionString, 0, 2))), int(str.tonumber(str.substring(sessionString, 2, 4)))),
getTime(int(str.tonumber(str.substring(sessionString, 5, 7))), int(str.tonumber(str.substring(sessionString, 7))))]
// @function Detect changes in the day/custom session and if the current bar is in the session.
// @returns [bool, bool, bool]
sessionChange() =>
if customSessionInput
var int _startTime = na
var int _endTime = na
_isInSession = not na(time(timeframe.period, sessionInput, getTimezone()))
[_currentStartTime, _currentEndTime] = getSessionTimes(sessionInput)
// On overnight sessions (e.g., EURUSD), preserve original start and end times.
_startTime := time >= _currentStartTime ? _currentStartTime : _startTime
_endTime := time >= _currentEndTime ? _currentEndTime : _endTime
// Start on the first bar of the session.
_start = ta.change(_startTime) > 0 and _isInSession
// End after the last bar of the session.
_end = ta.change(_endTime) > 0 and _isInSession[1]
[_start, _end, _isInSession]
// Start and end on the day change.
_dayChange = timeframe.change("D")
[_dayChange, _dayChange, true]
//#region Logic
if TIMEFRAMES.indexof(timeframe.period) == -1
runtime.error("The report can not compute data on the chart's timeframe. Please navigate to the 1-hour, 30-minute, or 15-minute timeframe.")
//@variable Is true when the current bar is inside the time range filter.
isInRange = isInTimeRange()
// Session variables from the day/custom session.
[sessionStart, sessionEnd, isInSession] = sessionChange()
// @variable Is true when the day/custom session closes per the session type filter.
isValidType = isValidSessionType(sessionStart, sessionEnd)
// Track the top and bottom of the day/custom session.
if isInRange
// Reset the top and bottom on the first bar of a new day/custom session.
if sessionStart
top.price := na
top.time := na
bottom.price := na
bottom.time := na
// Track the top and bottom.
if na(top.price) or high > top.price
top.price := high
top.time := time
if na(bottom.price) or low < bottom.price
bottom.price := low
bottom.time := time
// Collect the top, bottom, and time data.
if isInRange and barstate.isconfirmed
// @variable Is true on the first bar of the time range.
_isFirstBar = na(top.time[1]) or na(bottom.time[1])
// Collect the top and bottom on matching type on a day/custom session change.
if isValidType and not _isFirstBar
_topHour = getHour(top.time[1])
_bottomHour = getHour(bottom.time[1])
_topCount = nz(topsByHourMap.get(_topHour)) +1
_bottomCount = nz(bottomsByHourMap.get(_bottomHour)) +1
topsByHourMap.put (_topHour, _topCount)
bottomsByHourMap.put(_bottomHour, _bottomCount)
log.info("\n▲ Top at {0} ({1}/{4})\n▼ Bottom at {2} ({3}/{4})", _topHour, _topCount, _bottomHour, _bottomCount, topsByHourMap.values().sum())
// Collect the hourly opening and closing times
// On hourly time change, collect the open time and preceding close time.
// The times are be displayed in the tooltips of category labels.
_barHour = getHour(time)
_prevBarHour = getHour(time[1])
if _prevBarHour != _barHour
openTimesByHourMap.put (_barHour, str.format_time(time, "HH:mm", getTimezone()))
closeTimesByHourMap.put(_prevBarHour, str.format_time(time_close[1], "HH:mm", getTimezone()))
//#region Visuals
Support and Resistnace
Pine Script
TradingViewでの取引体験に革命を起こしましょう! このツールは 3 つの異なる時間枠で動作し、市場ダイナミクスの包括的なビューを提供し、チャート上のレジスタンスとサポートを特定し、情報に基づいた取引の決定を支援します。
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// @1uptick
const bool DEBUG = false
indicator("1up Support & Resistance", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 100, max_lines_count = 100, max_boxes_count = 100, max_bars_back = 305)
const int timeframeCount = 3
const float labelOffsetsY = 1.001
const int labelOffsetsXIndex = 30
const float epsilon = 0.001
const float retestEpsilon = 0.002
const int maxPivotsBackSR = 15
const int retestLabelEveryXBars = 4
const int maxTraverse = 200 // Affects bar history limit. Default value 200.
const int maxRetestLabels = 25
const int maxSupports = 3
const int maxResistances = 3
const float retestPriceDifferencePercentMax = 0.02
const bool calculateTimeSkipMS = false
const int debug_maxPivotLabels = 25
// _____ INPUTS _____
resistanceSupportCount = input.int(3, "Support & Resistance Count", options = [1, 2, 3], group = "General Configuration")
pivotRange = input.int(15, "Pivot Range", options = [5, 15, 30], tooltip = "Increase for more general pivots, decrease for more private pivots.", group = "General Configuration")
strength = input.int(1, "Strength", options = [1, 2, 3, 4], tooltip = "X many times price touched relative price area in order to be considered a support/resistance zone.", group = "General Configuration")
expandLines = input.bool(true,"Expand Lines & Zones", group = "General Configuration")
enableZones = input.bool(false, "Enable Zones", group = "Support & Resistance Zones")
zoneWidth = input.int(1, "Zone Width", options = [1,2,3], group = "Support & Resistance Zones")
timeframe1Enabled = input.bool(true, title = "", group = "Timeframes", inline = "timeframe1")
timeframe1 = input.timeframe("", title = "", group = "Timeframes", inline = "timeframe1")
timeframe2Enabled = input.bool(false, title = "", group = "Timeframes", inline = "timeframe2")
timeframe2 = input.timeframe("15", title = "", group = "Timeframes", inline = "timeframe2")
timeframe3Enabled = input.bool(false, title = "", group = "Timeframes", inline = "timeframe3")
timeframe3 = input.timeframe("30", title = "", group = "Timeframes", inline = "timeframe3")
showBreaks = input.bool(true,"Show Breaks", group = "Breaks & Retests", inline = "ShowBR")
showRetests = input.bool(true,"Show Retests", group = "Breaks & Retests", inline = "ShowBR")
avoidFalseBreaks = input.bool(true,"Avoid False Breaks", group = "Breaks & Retests")
falseBreakoutVolumeThreshold = input.int(30, "Break Volume Threshold %", minval = 0, maxval = 100, group = "Breaks & Retests", tooltip = "Only taken into account if Avoid False Breakouts is enabled.\nHigher values mean it's less likely to be a break.")
inverseBrokenLineColor = input.bool(false,"Inverse Color After Broken", tooltip = "Needs Show Breaks & Expand Lines option enabled.", group = "Breaks & Retests")
lineStyle = input.string("Solid", "Line Style", ["Solid", "Dashed", "Dotted"], group = "Style")
lineWidth = input.int(2, "Line Width", minval = 1, group = "Style")
supportColor = input.color(#08998180, "Support Color", group = "Style", inline = "RScolors")
resistanceColor = input.color(#f2364580, "Resistance Color", group = "Style", inline = "RScolors")
textColor = input.color(#ffffff80, "Text Color", group = "Style", inline = "RScolors")
enableRetestAlerts = input.bool(true, "Enable Retest Alerts", tooltip = "Needs Show Retests option enabled.", group = "Alerts")
enableBreakAlerts = input.bool(true, "Enable Break Alerts", group = "Alerts")
memoryOptimizatonEnabled = input.bool(false, "Enable Memory Optimization", tooltip = "Enable this option if you encounter memory errors.", group = "Advanced")
// _____ INPUTS END _____
// _____ DEBUG OPTIONS _____
debug_labelPivots = not DEBUG ? "None" : input.string("None", title = "[DBG] Label Pivots", group = "DEBUG", options = ["All", "RS", "None"], tooltip = "All -> Debugs all pivot labels.\nRS -> Debugs RS pivot labels.\nNone -> Debugs none of the last R&S pivots.")
debug_pivotLabelText = not DEBUG ? false : input.bool(false, title = "[DBG] Pivot Label Text", group = "DEBUG")
debug_showBrokenOnLabel = not DEBUG ? false : input.bool(false, "[DBG] Show Broken Text On Label", group = "DEBUG")
debug_removeDuplicateRS = not DEBUG ? true : input.bool(true, "[DBG] Remove Duplicate RS", group = "DEBUG")
debug_lastXResistances = not DEBUG ? 3 : input.int(3, "[DBG] Show Last X Resistances", minval = 0, maxval = maxResistances, group = "DEBUG")
debug_lastXSupports = not DEBUG ? 3 : input.int(3, "[DBG] Show Last X Supports", minval = 0, maxval = maxSupports, group = "DEBUG")
debug_enabledHistory = not DEBUG ? true : input.bool(true, "[DBG] Enable History", group = "DEBUG")
debug_maxHistoryRecords = not DEBUG ? 10 : input.int(10, "[DBG] Max History Records", options = [1, 2, 5, 10, 25], group = "DEBUG")
// _____ DEBUG OPTIONS END _____
createRSLine (color) =>
line.new(na, na, na, na, extend = expandLines ? extend.both : extend.none, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color = color, width = lineWidth, style = lineStyle == "Dashed" ? line.style_dashed : lineStyle == "Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_solid)
createRSBox (color, xlocType) =>
box.new(na, na, na, na, text_size = size.normal, xloc = xlocType, extend = extend.both, bgcolor = color, text_color = textColor, text_halign = expandLines ? text.align_right : text.align_center, border_color = #00000000)
createRSLabel () =>
label.new(na, na, "", style = label.style_none, textcolor = textColor)
createBreakLabel (RSType) =>
label.new(na,na,"B",style = RSType == "Resistance" ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down, color=color.blue, textcolor = color.white, xloc = xloc.bar_time, size = size.small)
createRetestLabel (RSType) =>
label.new(na,na,"R",style = RSType == "Resistance" ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up, color = RSType == "Resistance" ? resistanceColor : supportColor, textcolor = color.white, xloc = xloc.bar_time, size = size.small)
moveLine(_line, _x, _y, _x2) =>
line.set_xy1(_line, _x, _y)
line.set_xy2(_line, _x2, _y)
moveBox (_box, _topLeftX, _topLeftY, _bottomRightX, _bottomRightY) =>
box.set_lefttop(_box, _topLeftX, _topLeftY)
box.set_rightbottom(_box, _bottomRightX, _bottomRightY)
moveRSInfoBox (_box, _startPointX, _price, _endPointX) =>
zoneWidthPercent = zoneWidth == 1 ? 0.05 : zoneWidth == 2 ? 0.06 : 0.075
topY = _price * (1.0 + (zoneWidthPercent / 2.0 / 100.0))
bottomY = _price * (1.0 - (zoneWidthPercent / 2.0 / 100.0))
moveBox(_box, _startPointX, topY, _endPointX, bottomY)
// _____ TYPES _____
type RSInfo
bool isBroken = na
int brokenTime = na
string RSType = na
float price = na
line line = na
box box = na
label priceLabel = na
chart.point[] points = na
label[] debugPoints = na
label breakLabel = na
label[] retestLabels = na
line breakLine = na
box breakBox = na
newRSInfo (RSType) =>
newRSInfo = RSInfo.new()
newRSInfo.RSType := RSType
newRSInfo.price := na
newRSInfo.isBroken := false
newRSInfo.brokenTime := na
newRSInfo.line := enableZones ? na : createRSLine(RSType == "Resistance" ? resistanceColor : supportColor)
newRSInfo.box := enableZones ? createRSBox(RSType == "Resistance" ? resistanceColor : supportColor, xloc.bar_time) : na
newRSInfo.priceLabel := enableZones ? na : createRSLabel()
newRSInfo.points := array.new<chart.point>(0)
newRSInfo.debugPoints := array.new<label>(0)
newRSInfo.retestLabels := array.new<label>(0)
newRSInfo.breakLabel := na
newRSInfo.breakLine := na
newRSInfo.breakBox := na
histRSInfo (RSInfo RSInfoF) =>
RSType = RSInfoF.RSType
newRS = RSInfo.new()
newRS.RSType := RSType
newRS.price := RSInfoF.price
newRS.debugPoints := array.new<label>(0)
newRS.retestLabels := array.new<label>(0)
newRS.points := array.new<chart.point>(0)
histText = "History | " + str.tostring(newRS.price, format.mintick)
startTime = math.min(time, RSInfoF.points.get(strength - 1).time)
endTime = RSInfoF.isBroken ? RSInfoF.brokenTime : time
if enableZones
newRS.box := createRSBox(RSType == "Resistance" ? resistanceColor : supportColor, xloc.bar_time)
moveRSInfoBox(newRS.box, startTime, newRS.price, endTime)
box.set_extend(newRS.box, expandLines ? extend.both : extend.none)
box.set_text(newRS.box, histText)
newRS.line := line.copy(RSInfoF.line)
moveLine(newRS.line, startTime, newRS.price, endTime)
line.set_extend(newRS.line, expandLines ? extend.both : extend.none)
newRS.priceLabel := label.copy(RSInfoF.priceLabel)
label.set_text(newRS.priceLabel, histText)
label.set_xloc(newRS.priceLabel, (startTime + endTime) / 2, xloc.bar_time)
if not na(newRS.breakLabel)
newRS.breakLabel := label.copy(RSInfoF.breakLabel)
safeDeleteRSInfo (RSInfo RSInfoF) =>
if not na(RSInfoF)
if RSInfoF.debugPoints.size() > 0
for i = 0 to RSInfoF.debugPoints.size() - 1
if RSInfoF.retestLabels.size() > 0
for i = 0 to RSInfoF.retestLabels.size() - 1
type timeframeInfo
int index = na
string timeframeStr = na
bool isEnabled = false
RSInfo[] resistances = na
RSInfo[] supports = na
float[] highPivots = na
int[] highTimes = na
float[] lowPivots = na
int[] lowTimes = na
newTimeframeInfo (index, timeframeStr, isEnabled) =>
newTFInfo = timeframeInfo.new()
newTFInfo.index := index
newTFInfo.isEnabled := isEnabled
newTFInfo.timeframeStr := timeframeStr
newTFInfo.resistances := array.new<RSInfo>(debug_lastXResistances)
newTFInfo.supports := array.new<RSInfo>(debug_lastXSupports)
newTFInfo.highPivots := array.new<float>()
newTFInfo.highTimes := array.new<int>()
newTFInfo.lowPivots := array.new<float>()
newTFInfo.lowTimes := array.new<int>()
// _____ TYPES END _____
// _____ VARS _____
var timeframeInfo[] timeframeInfos = array.from(newTimeframeInfo(1, timeframe1, timeframe1Enabled), newTimeframeInfo(2, timeframe2, timeframe2Enabled), newTimeframeInfo(3, timeframe3, timeframe3Enabled))
var bool initRun = true
var int maxTimeskipMS = 0
var float[] allLowPivots = array.new<float>(0)
var float[] allHighPivots = array.new<float>(0)
var int[] allLowTimes = array.new<int>(0)
var int[] allHighTimes = array.new<int>(0)
var RSInfo[] history = array.new<RSInfo>(0)
RSInfo[] curRSList = array.new<RSInfo>(0)
RSInfo[] oldRSList = array.new<RSInfo>(0)
int maxPivotsAllowed = memoryOptimizatonEnabled ? 10 : 15 // Affects memory limit. Default value 30.
// _____ VARS END _____
doValuesTouch (float value1, float value2) =>
if math.abs(value1 - value2) / ((value1 + value2) / 2.0) <= epsilon
doValuesTouch (float value1, float value2, float customEpsilon) =>
if math.abs(value1 - value2) / ((value1 + value2) / 2.0) <= customEpsilon
findLatestRS (timeframeInfo timeframeInfoF, string RSType, pivots, times, bannedValues) =>
RSInfo latestRSF = na
pivotsCount = pivots.size()
if pivotsCount > 0
for i = 0 to pivotsCount - 1
if i >= maxTraverse
index = pivotsCount - i - 1
occurances = 0
invalidValue = false
pivotValue1 = pivots.get(index)
if bannedValues.size() > 0
for a = 0 to bannedValues.size() - 1
if doValuesTouch(pivotValue1, bannedValues.get(a))
invalidValue := true
if invalidValue
for j = 0 to pivotsCount - 1
if j >= maxTraverse
index2 = pivotsCount - j - 1
pivotValue2 = pivots.get(index2)
if doValuesTouch(pivotValue1, pivotValue2)
occurances += 1
if occurances >= strength
latestRSF := newRSInfo(RSType)
latestRSF.price := pivotValue1
if math.abs(index - index2) > maxPivotsBackSR * strength
if not na(latestRSF)
if not na(latestRSF)
cnt = 0
if pivotsCount > 0
for i = 0 to pivotsCount - 1
if i >= maxTraverse
index = pivotsCount - i - 1
pivotValue = pivots.get(index)
if doValuesTouch(pivotValue, latestRSF.price)
labelTime = times.get(index)
latestRSF.points.push(chart.point.from_time(labelTime, pivotValue))
cnt += 1
if cnt == strength
if not (debug_labelPivots == "None")
if not (debug_labelPivots == "All")
if not na(latestRSF)
cnt = 0
if pivotsCount > 0
for i = 0 to pivotsCount - 1
index = pivotsCount - i - 1
pivotValue = pivots.get(index)
if doValuesTouch(pivotValue, latestRSF.price)
labelTime = times.get(index)
latestRSF.debugPoints.push(RSType == "Resistance" ? label.new(labelTime,pivotValue,text=debug_pivotLabelText ? str.tostring(pivotValue) : "",xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=resistanceColor, textcolor=color.white) : label.new(labelTime,pivotValue,text=debug_pivotLabelText ? str.tostring(pivotValue) : "",xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=supportColor,style = label.style_label_up, textcolor=color.white))
cnt += 1
if cnt == strength
if not na(latestRSF)
if pivotsCount > 0
for i = 0 to pivotsCount - 1
index = pivotsCount - i - 1
pivotValue = pivots.get(index)
labelTime = times.get(index)
latestRSF.debugPoints.push(RSType == "Resistance" ? label.new(labelTime,pivotValue,text=debug_pivotLabelText ? str.tostring(pivotValue) : "",xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=resistanceColor, textcolor=color.white) : label.new(labelTime,pivotValue,text=debug_pivotLabelText ? str.tostring(pivotValue) : "",xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=supportColor,style = label.style_label_up, textcolor=color.white))
if latestRSF.debugPoints.size() > debug_maxPivotLabels
findLatestNthRS (timeframeInfo timeframeInfoF, string RSType, pivots, times, n) =>
float[] bannedValues = array.new<float>()
foundRS = 0
RSInfo foundLatestRS = na
while foundRS < n
foundLatestRS := findLatestRS(timeframeInfoF, RSType, pivots, times, bannedValues)
if not na(foundLatestRS)
foundRS += 1
isTimeframeLower (timeframe1F, timeframe2F) =>
timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe1F) < timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe2F)
getMinTimeframe (timeframe1F, timeframe2F) =>
if isTimeframeLower(timeframe1F, timeframe2F)
getMaxTimeframe (timeframe1F, timeframe2F) =>
if isTimeframeLower(timeframe1F, timeframe2F)
getFirstBreak (RSInfo rsInfo) =>
if na(rsInfo)
[na, na]
curIndex = 0
float foundBreakLevel = na
int foundBreakTime = na
while true
if curIndex >= maxTraverse
isBarBreak = rsInfo.RSType == "Resistance" ? (close[curIndex + 1] <= rsInfo.price and close[curIndex] > rsInfo.price) : (close[curIndex + 1] >= rsInfo.price and close[curIndex] < rsInfo.price)
if isBarBreak
isTrueBreakout = true
if avoidFalseBreaks
shortTerm = 5
longTerm = 15
shortSum = 0.0
longSum = 0.0
for i = 0 to shortTerm
shortSum += volume[curIndex + i]
for i = 0 to longTerm
longSum += volume[curIndex + i]
shortVolumeAvg = shortSum / shortTerm
longVolumeAvg = longSum / longTerm
volumeRatio = ((shortVolumeAvg - longVolumeAvg) / longVolumeAvg) * 100.0
isTrueBreakout := (volumeRatio >= falseBreakoutVolumeThreshold)
if isTrueBreakout
foundBreakLevel := rsInfo.RSType == "Resistance" ? low[curIndex] : high[curIndex]
foundBreakTime := time[curIndex]
curIndex += 1
if time[curIndex] <= rsInfo.points.get(strength - 1).time
[foundBreakLevel, foundBreakTime]
getRetests (RSInfo rsInfo) =>
if na(rsInfo)
curIndex = 0
lastRetestIndex = -999
int[] retestTimes = array.new<int>()
float[] retestLevels = array.new<float>()
while true
if curIndex >= maxTraverse
if retestLevels.size() == maxRetestLabels
if rsInfo.isBroken and time[curIndex] >= rsInfo.brokenTime
curIndex += 1
differencePercent = 100.0 * math.abs(rsInfo.price - close[curIndex]) / ((rsInfo.price + close[curIndex]) / 2)
isRetest = (rsInfo.RSType == "Resistance" ? (doValuesTouch(rsInfo.price, close[curIndex], retestEpsilon) or doValuesTouch(rsInfo.price, high[curIndex], retestEpsilon) or high[curIndex] > rsInfo.price) : (doValuesTouch(rsInfo.price, close[curIndex], retestEpsilon) or doValuesTouch(rsInfo.price, low[curIndex], retestEpsilon) or low[curIndex] < rsInfo.price)) and differencePercent < retestPriceDifferencePercentMax
if isRetest and curIndex - lastRetestIndex >= retestLabelEveryXBars
retestLevels.push(rsInfo.RSType == "Resistance" ? high[curIndex] : low[curIndex])
lastRetestIndex := curIndex
curIndex += 1
if time[curIndex] <= rsInfo.points.get(strength - 1).time
[retestLevels, retestTimes]
formatTimeframeString (formatTimeframe) =>
timeframeF = formatTimeframe == "" ? timeframe.period : formatTimeframe
if str.contains(timeframeF, "D") or str.contains(timeframeF, "W") or str.contains(timeframeF, "S") or str.contains(timeframeF, "M")
seconds = timeframe.in_seconds(timeframeF)
if seconds >= 3600
hourCount = int(seconds / 3600)
str.tostring(hourCount) + " Hour" + (hourCount > 1 ? "s" : "")
timeframeF + " Min"
getPivot (pivotType) =>
pivot = (pivotType == "high" ? ta.pivothigh(high, pivotRange, pivotRange) : ta.pivotlow(low, pivotRange, pivotRange))
handleRSInfo (timeframeInfo timeframeInfoF, RSInfo RSInfoF, int index, string RSType) =>
if not na(RSInfoF)
if not na(timeframeInfoF)
[foundBreakLevel, foundBreakTime] = getFirstBreak(RSInfoF)
RSInfoF.isBroken := na(foundBreakLevel) ? false : true
RSInfoF.brokenTime := na(foundBreakLevel) ? na : foundBreakTime
if not na(foundBreakLevel)
if showBreaks
if na(RSInfoF.breakLabel)
RSInfoF.breakLabel := createBreakLabel(RSInfoF.RSType)
label.set_xy(RSInfoF.breakLabel, foundBreakTime, foundBreakLevel * (RSInfoF.RSType == "Resistance" ? (1.0 / labelOffsetsY) : labelOffsetsY))
if expandLines
if na(RSInfoF.breakLine) and enableZones == false
RSInfoF.breakLine := createRSLine(color.black)
if na(RSInfoF.breakBox) and enableZones == true
RSInfoF.breakBox := createRSBox(color.black, xloc.bar_time)
if not enableZones
line.set_extend(RSInfoF.breakLine, extend.right)
box.set_extend(RSInfoF.breakBox, extend.right)
if inverseBrokenLineColor and showBreaks
if not enableZones
line.set_color(RSInfoF.breakLine, RSInfoF.RSType == "Resistance" ? supportColor : resistanceColor)
box.set_bgcolor(RSInfoF.breakBox, RSInfoF.RSType == "Resistance" ? supportColor : resistanceColor)
if not enableZones
line.set_color(RSInfoF.breakLine, RSInfoF.RSType == "Resistance" ? resistanceColor : supportColor)
box.set_bgcolor(RSInfoF.breakBox, RSInfoF.RSType == "Resistance" ? resistanceColor : supportColor)
if showRetests
[retestLevels, retestTimes] = getRetests(RSInfoF)
if not na(retestLevels) and retestLevels.size() > 0
for i = 0 to retestLevels.size() - 1
newRetestLabel = createRetestLabel(RSInfoF.RSType)
label.set_xy(newRetestLabel, retestTimes.get(i), retestLevels.get(i) * (RSInfoF.RSType == "Support" ? (1.0 / labelOffsetsY) : labelOffsetsY))
//timeSkipOffset = maxTimeskipMS / 4
timeSkipOffset = 0
if enableZones
zoneEndX = time + timeSkipOffset + timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) * 1000 * labelOffsetsXIndex
startTime = math.min(time, RSInfoF.points.get(strength - 1).time)
moveRSInfoBox(RSInfoF.box, startTime, RSInfoF.price, na(foundBreakTime) ? zoneEndX : foundBreakTime)
moveRSInfoBox(RSInfoF.breakBox, foundBreakTime, RSInfoF.price, zoneEndX)
endTime = time + timeSkipOffset + timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) * 1000
startTime = math.min(time, RSInfoF.points.get(strength - 1).time)
moveLine(RSInfoF.line, startTime, RSInfoF.price, na(foundBreakTime) ? endTime : foundBreakTime)
moveLine(RSInfoF.breakLine, foundBreakTime, RSInfoF.price, endTime)
//log.info(str.tostring(RSInfoF.price) + " | " + str.tostring(RSInfoF.points.get(strength - 1).time) + " = " + str.tostring(line.get_x1(RSInfoF.line)) + " | " + str.tostring(endTime) + " = " + str.tostring(line.get_x2(RSInfoF.line)))
if expandLines
if not enableZones
line.set_extend(RSInfoF.line, (na(foundBreakTime)) ? extend.both : extend.left)
box.set_extend(RSInfoF.box, (na(foundBreakTime)) ? extend.both : extend.left)
if not enableZones
line.set_extend(RSInfoF.line, na(foundBreakTime) ? extend.right : extend.none)
box.set_extend(RSInfoF.box, na(foundBreakTime) ? extend.right : extend.none)
//labelTitleOld = formatTimeframeString(timeframeInfoF.timeframeStr) + " " + RSInfoF.RSType + " " + str.tostring(index + 1) + " (" + str.tostring(RSInfoF.price,format.mintick) + ")" + (RSInfoF.isBroken ? " [Broken]" : "")
labelTitle = formatTimeframeString(timeframeInfoF.timeframeStr) + " | " + str.tostring(RSInfoF.price,format.mintick) + ((debug_showBrokenOnLabel and RSInfoF.isBroken) ? " [B]" : "")
if not enableZones
label.set_text(RSInfoF.priceLabel, enableZones ? "" : labelTitle)
label.set_y(RSInfoF.priceLabel, RSInfoF.price)
box.set_text(RSInfoF.box, (RSInfoF.isBroken and expandLines) ? "" : labelTitle)
box.set_text(RSInfoF.breakBox, labelTitle)
if expandLines or not RSInfoF.isBroken
if not enableZones
label.set_xloc(RSInfoF.priceLabel, bar_index + labelOffsetsXIndex, xloc.bar_index)
box.set_text_halign(RSInfoF.breakBox, text.align_right)
box.set_text_halign(RSInfoF.box, text.align_right)
if not enableZones
label.set_xloc(RSInfoF.priceLabel, (RSInfoF.points.get(strength - 1).time + RSInfoF.brokenTime) / 2, xloc.bar_time)
box.set_text_halign(RSInfoF.box, text.align_center)
box.set_text_halign(RSInfoF.breakBox, text.align_center)
log.error("Couldn't find timeframe " + str.tostring(timeframeInfoF.index) + " " + str.tostring(index + 1) + "th " + RSType + " . Try decreasing pivot range in the settings.")
handleTimeframe (timeframeIndex, lowPivots, highPivots, lowTimes, highTimes) =>
timeframeInfoF = timeframeInfos.get(timeframeIndex - 1)
timeframeInfoF.lowPivots := lowPivots
timeframeInfoF.highPivots := highPivots
timeframeInfoF.lowTimes := lowTimes
timeframeInfoF.highTimes := highTimes
getHigherTFData (timeframeStr) =>
request.security(syminfo.tickerid, getMaxTimeframe(timeframe.period, timeframeStr), [allLowPivots, allHighPivots, allLowTimes, allHighTimes])
pushHighPivots (timeframeInfoF, highPivotF, timeF) =>
if not na(highPivotF)
pushLowPivots (timeframeInfoF, lowPivotF, timeF) =>
if not na(lowPivotF)
handleTimeframeIfLower (timeframeInfo timeframeInfoF, highs, lows, int[] timesF) =>
if timeframeInfoF.isEnabled and isTimeframeLower(timeframeInfoF.timeframeStr, timeframe.period)
if highs.size() > 0
for i = 0 to highs.size() - 1
timeF = timesF.get(i)
pushHighPivots(timeframeInfoF, highs.get(i), timeF)
if lows.size() > 0
for i = 0 to lows.size() - 1
timeF = timesF.get(i)
pushLowPivots(timeframeInfoF, lows.get(i), timeF)
getLowerTFData (timeframeStr) =>
lowPivots = isTimeframeLower(timeframeStr, timeframe.period) ? request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, getMinTimeframe(timeframeStr, timeframe.period), ta.pivotlow(low, pivotRange, pivotRange)) : na
highPivots = isTimeframeLower(timeframeStr, timeframe.period) ? request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, getMinTimeframe(timeframeStr, timeframe.period), ta.pivothigh(high, pivotRange, pivotRange)) : na
times = isTimeframeLower(timeframeStr, timeframe.period) ? request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, getMinTimeframe(timeframeStr, timeframe.period), time[pivotRange]) : na
getTFData (timeframeStr) =>
if isTimeframeLower(timeframeStr, timeframe.period)
checkIfRSAreSame (RSInfo rsInfo1, RSInfo rsInfo2) =>
if na(rsInfo1) or na(rsInfo2)
else if rsInfo1.RSType != rsInfo2.RSType
else if rsInfo1.price != rsInfo2.price
checkIfArrHasRS (RSInfo[] arr, RSInfo rsInfoF) =>
if na(arr) or na(rsInfoF)
else if arr.size() == 0
foundRS = false
for i = 0 to arr.size() - 1
arrRS = arr.get(i)
if checkIfRSAreSame(arrRS, rsInfoF)
foundRS := true
if foundRS
clearTimeframeRS (timeframeInfoF) =>
oldRetestsCount = 0
oldBreaksCount = 0
if timeframeInfoF.resistances.size() > 0
for j = 0 to timeframeInfoF.resistances.size() - 1
RSInfo RSInfoF = timeframeInfoF.resistances.get(j)
if not na(RSInfoF)
if debug_enabledHistory
if checkIfArrHasRS(oldRSList, RSInfoF) == false
oldRetestsCount += RSInfoF.retestLabels.size()
oldBreaksCount += RSInfoF.isBroken ? 1 : 0
if timeframeInfoF.supports.size() > 0
for j = 0 to timeframeInfoF.supports.size() - 1
RSInfo RSInfoF = timeframeInfoF.supports.get(j)
if not na(RSInfoF)
if debug_enabledHistory
if checkIfArrHasRS(history, RSInfoF) == false
oldRetestsCount += RSInfoF.retestLabels.size()
oldBreaksCount += RSInfoF.isBroken ? 1 : 0
[oldRetestsCount, oldBreaksCount]
findTimeframeRS (timeframeInfoF, RSType, arr, count, pivots, times) =>
curRetestsCount = 0
curBreaksCount = 0
if count > 0
for j = 0 to count - 1
foundRS = findLatestNthRS(timeframeInfoF, RSType, pivots, times, j + 1)
if not na(foundRS)
notDuplicate = true
for a = 0 to timeframeInfos.size() - 1
aInfo = timeframeInfos.get(a)
if na(aInfo) or aInfo.isEnabled == false
otherTimeframeArray = (RSType == "Resistance" ? aInfo.resistances : aInfo.supports)
if otherTimeframeArray.size() > 0
for b = 0 to otherTimeframeArray.size() - 1
if checkIfRSAreSame(foundRS, otherTimeframeArray.get(b))
notDuplicate := false
if notDuplicate == false
if notDuplicate or not debug_removeDuplicateRS
if arr.size() > 0
for j = 0 to arr.size() - 1
curRS = arr.get(j)
if not na(curRS)
handleRSInfo(timeframeInfoF, curRS, j, RSType)
curRetestsCount += curRS.retestLabels.size()
curBreaksCount += curRS.isBroken ? 1 : 0
[curRetestsCount, curBreaksCount]
lowPivot = getPivot("low")
highPivot = getPivot("high")
if not na(lowPivot)
if allLowPivots.size() > maxPivotsAllowed
if not na(highPivot)
if allHighPivots.size() > maxPivotsAllowed
if calculateTimeSkipMS
if last_bar_index - bar_index < 350 and time - time[1] > timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) * 1000
maxTimeskipMS := math.max(maxTimeskipMS, time - time[1])
[lowPivotsTF1, highPivotsTF1, lowTimesTF1, highTimesTF1] = getTFData(timeframe1)
handleTimeframeIfLower(timeframeInfos.get(0), highPivotsTF1, lowPivotsTF1, highTimesTF1)
[lowPivotsTF2, highPivotsTF2, lowTimesTF2, highTimesTF2] = getTFData(timeframe2)
handleTimeframeIfLower(timeframeInfos.get(1), highPivotsTF2, lowPivotsTF2, highTimesTF2)
[lowPivotsTF3, highPivotsTF3, lowTimesTF3, highTimesTF3] = getTFData(timeframe3)
handleTimeframeIfLower(timeframeInfos.get(2), highPivotsTF3, lowPivotsTF3, highTimesTF3)
//plot(nz(na,timeframeInfos.get(0).highPivots.size() > 0 ? timeframeInfos.get(0).highPivots.get(timeframeInfos.get(0).highPivots.size() - 1) : 0), color = color.blue, title = "High Pivots")
//plot(nz(na,timeframeInfos.get(0).lowPivots.size() > 0 ? timeframeInfos.get(0).lowPivots.get(timeframeInfos.get(0).lowPivots.size() - 1) : 0), color = color.fuchsia, title = "Low Pivots")
if barstate.islast
if timeframe1Enabled and not isTimeframeLower(timeframe1, timeframe.period)
handleTimeframe(1, lowPivotsTF1, highPivotsTF1, lowTimesTF1, highTimesTF1)
if timeframe2Enabled and not isTimeframeLower(timeframe2, timeframe.period)
handleTimeframe(2, lowPivotsTF2, highPivotsTF2, lowTimesTF2, highTimesTF2)
if timeframe3Enabled and not isTimeframeLower(timeframe3, timeframe.period)
handleTimeframe(3, lowPivotsTF3, highPivotsTF3, lowTimesTF3, highTimesTF3)
int enabledTimeframeCount = 0
for i = 0 to timeframeCount - 1
timeframeInfo curInfo = timeframeInfos.get(i)
if curInfo.isEnabled
enabledTimeframeCount += 1
int oldRetestsCount = 0
int curRetestsCount = 0
int oldBreaksCount = 0
int curBreaksCount = 0
for i = 0 to timeframeCount - 1
timeframeInfo curInfo = timeframeInfos.get(i)
if not curInfo.isEnabled
[oldRetests, oldBreaks] = clearTimeframeRS(curInfo)
oldRetestsCount += oldRetests
oldBreaksCount += oldBreaks
resistanceCount = math.min(DEBUG ? debug_lastXResistances : resistanceSupportCount, maxResistances - (enabledTimeframeCount > 1 ? 1 : 0))
resistanceCount := math.max(resistanceCount, 0)
supportCount = math.min(DEBUG ? debug_lastXSupports : resistanceSupportCount, maxSupports - (enabledTimeframeCount > 1 ? 1 : 0))
supportCount := math.max(supportCount, 0)
[curRetests1, curBreaks1] = findTimeframeRS(curInfo, "Resistance", curInfo.resistances, resistanceCount, curInfo.highPivots, curInfo.highTimes)
[curRetests2, curBreaks2] = findTimeframeRS(curInfo, "Support", curInfo.supports, supportCount, curInfo.lowPivots, curInfo.lowTimes)
curRetestsCount += curRetests1 + curRetests2
curBreaksCount += curBreaks1 + curBreaks2
if debug_enabledHistory
historyIndexesToDelete = array.new<int>(0)
if history.size() > 0
for i = 0 to history.size() - 1
if checkIfArrHasRS(curRSList, history.get(i))
if historyIndexesToDelete.size() > 0
for i = 0 to historyIndexesToDelete.size() - 1
deleteIndex = historyIndexesToDelete.get(historyIndexesToDelete.size() - i - 1)
if oldRSList.size() > 0
for i = 0 to oldRSList.size() - 1
curRS = oldRSList.get(i)
if checkIfArrHasRS(curRSList, curRS) == false
if history.size() > debug_maxHistoryRecords
if oldRSList.size() > 0
for i = 0 to oldRSList.size() - 1
log.info("History Size : " + str.tostring(history.size()))
log.info("Label Count : " + str.tostring(label.all.size()))
log.info("Line Count : " + str.tostring(line.all.size()))
log.info("Box Count : " + str.tostring(box.all.size()))
if enableRetestAlerts and curRetestsCount > oldRetestsCount and initRun == false
alert("New Retests Occured.")
if enableBreakAlerts and curBreaksCount > oldBreaksCount and initRun == false
alert("New Breaks Occured.")
initRun := false
CFTC COT 週次レポート
COT CFTC Analysis Tool
Pine Script
このツールは、米国商品先物委員会 (CFTC) のコミットメント オブ トレーダー (COT) データを詳細に分析するために使用されます。 大規模な投機家、商業機関、非報告者の立場を活用して、包括的な市場の概要を得ることで、トレーダーや投資家が市場をより深く理解できるように支援します。
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// @1uptick
indicator('COT CFTC All', shorttitle='COT CFTCsπ', precision=0, overlay = false)
import PineCoders/Time/3
col_up =color.rgb(166, 220, 168)
col_down = color.rgb(195, 114, 114)
col_neutral = color.gray
colorup_strong = input(#a6dca8ce)
colorup_week = input(#a6dca884)
colordown_strong = input(#b66a6a)
colordown_week = input(#95555582)
hline(75, title = "Buying High Line", color = color.rgb(166, 220, 168), linewidth = 2, linestyle = hline.style_dashed, display = display.none)
hline(25, title = "Selling Low Line", color = color.rgb(195, 114, 114), linewidth = 2, linestyle = hline.style_dashed, display = display.none)
h65 = hline(70, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 100), display = display.none)
h100 = hline(100, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 100), display = display.none)
fill(h65, h100, color=color.rgb(108, 255, 82, 95))
h35 = hline(30, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 100), display = display.none)
h0 = hline(0, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 100), display = display.none)
fill(h35, h0, color=color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 95))
Index_Length = input(26)
Index_Length1 = input(6)
custom_index(src, Index_Length) =>
max = ta.highest(src, Index_Length)
min = ta.lowest(src, Index_Length)
willco_index = 100 * (src - min) / (max - min)
do_oi_rescale = input.bool(true, title="Rescale Open Interest")
qticker = syminfo.root == "ZB" ? "020601" : syminfo.root == 'DX' ? '098662' : syminfo.root == "ZN" ? "043602" : syminfo.root == "ZS" ? "005602" : syminfo.root == "ZM" ? "026603" : syminfo.root == "ZL" ? "007601" : syminfo.root == "ZC" ? "002602" : syminfo.root == "ZW" ? "001602" : syminfo.root == "KE" ? "001612" : syminfo.root == "HE" ? "054642" : syminfo.root == "LE" ? "057642" : syminfo.root == "GC" ? "088691" : syminfo.root == "SI" ? "084691" : syminfo.root == "HG" ? "085692" : syminfo.root == "CL" ? "067651" : syminfo.root == "HO" ? "022651" : syminfo.root == "RB" ? "111659" : syminfo.root == "NG" ? "023651" : syminfo.root == "6A" ? "232741" : syminfo.root == "6B" ? "096742" : syminfo.root == "6C" ? "090741" : syminfo.root == "6E" ? "099741" : syminfo.root == "6J" ? "097741" : syminfo.root == "6S" ? "092741" : syminfo.root == "SB" ? "080732" : syminfo.root == "KC" ? "083731" : syminfo.root == "CC" ? "073732" : syminfo.root == "CT" ? "033661" : syminfo.root == "ES" ? "13874A" : syminfo.root == "RTY" ? "239742" : syminfo.root == "YM" ? "12460P" : syminfo.root == "NQ" ? "209742" : syminfo.root == "PA" ? "075651" : syminfo.root == "PL" ? "076651" : syminfo.root == "AUP" ? "191693" : syminfo.root == "AUP" ? "191693" : syminfo.root == "HRC" ? "192651" : syminfo.root == "EH" ? "025651" : syminfo.root == "BB" ? "06765T" : syminfo.root == "ZR" ? "039601" : syminfo.root == "ZO" ? "004603" : syminfo.root == "DC" ? "052641" : syminfo.root == "OJ" ? "040701" : syminfo.root == "LBS" ? "058643" : syminfo.root == "GF" ? "061641" : syminfo.root == "SP" ? "138741" : syminfo.root == "DJIA" ? "12460P" : syminfo.root == "6N" ? "112741" : syminfo.root == "6L" ? "102741" : syminfo.root == "VX" ? "1170E1" : syminfo.root == "6M" ? "095741" : syminfo.root == "6R" ? "089741" : syminfo.root == "6Z" ? "122741" : syminfo.root == "ZT" ? "042601" : syminfo.root == "ZF" ? "044601" : syminfo.root == 'BTC' ? '133741' : syminfo.root == 'ETH' ? '146022' : ""
legacy_cot = 'QUANDL:CFTC/' + qticker + ('_F_L_ALL_OI|') //percent of Open Interest Futures Only
legacy_cot1 = 'QUANDL:CFTC/' + qticker + ('_F_L_ALL|') //Futures Only legacy report
legacy_cot2 = 'QUANDL:CFTC/' + qticker + ('_FO_L_ALL|') // Futures with Options
non_commercials_long = request.security(legacy_cot + '1', 'W', close)
non_commercials_short = request.security(legacy_cot + '2', 'W', close)
non_commercials_spread = request.security(legacy_cot + '3', 'W', close)
non_commercials_net = non_commercials_long - non_commercials_short
non_commercials_spread_index = custom_index(non_commercials_spread, Index_Length)
commercials_long = request.security(legacy_cot + '4', 'W', close)
commercials_short = request.security(legacy_cot + '5', 'W', close)
commercials_net = commercials_long - commercials_short
more_oi_index = non_commercials_net < commercials_net ? commercials_net : non_commercials_net
more_oi_index_col = non_commercials_net < commercials_net ? color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 85) : non_commercials_net > commercials_net ? color.rgb(33, 149, 243, 85) : na
non_reportable_long = request.security(legacy_cot + '8', 'W', close)
non_reportable_short = request.security(legacy_cot + '9', 'W', close)
non_reportable_net = non_reportable_long - non_reportable_short
lspecs_long = request.security(legacy_cot1 + '1', 'W', close)
lspecs_short = request.security(legacy_cot1 + '2', 'W', close)
lspecs_net = lspecs_long - lspecs_short
comm_long = request.security(legacy_cot1 + '4', 'W', close)
comm_short = request.security(legacy_cot1 + '5', 'W', close)
comm_net = comm_long - comm_short
more_oi_commercials = non_commercials_net < commercials_net ? comm_net : na
more_oi_largespecs = non_commercials_net > commercials_net ? lspecs_net : na
sspecs_long = request.security(legacy_cot1 + '8', 'W', close)
sspecs_short = request.security(legacy_cot1 + '9', 'W', close)
sspecs_net = sspecs_long - sspecs_short
lspecs_long2 = request.security(legacy_cot2 + '1', 'W', close)
lspecs_short2 = request.security(legacy_cot2 + '2', 'W', close)
lspecs_net2 = (lspecs_long2 - lspecs_long) - (lspecs_short2 - lspecs_short)
plot(lspecs_net2, title="Large Specs Options", color=color.blue, linewidth = 1, style=plot.style_line, display = display.none)
comm_long2 = request.security(legacy_cot2 + '4', 'W', close)
comm_short2 = request.security(legacy_cot2 + '5', 'W', close)
comm_net2 = (comm_long2 - comm_long) - (comm_short2 - comm_short)
plot(comm_net2, title="Commercials Options", color=color.red, linewidth = 1, style=plot.style_line, display = display.none)
sspecs_long2 = request.security(legacy_cot2 + '8', 'W', close)
sspecs_short2 = request.security(legacy_cot2 + '9', 'W', close)
sspecs_net2 = (sspecs_long2 - sspecs_long) - (sspecs_short2 - sspecs_short)
plot(sspecs_net2, title="Small Specs Options", color=color.green, linewidth = 1, style=plot.style_line, display = display.none)
oi = request.security(legacy_cot1 + '0', 'W', close)
normalized(xs, min_of, max_of, interval) =>
maxi = ta.highest(max_of, interval)
mini = ta.lowest(min_of, interval)
(xs - mini) / (maxi - mini)
extreme(aas, bbs, interval) =>
a1h = ta.highest(aas, interval)
a1l = ta.lowest(aas, interval)
b1h = ta.highest(bbs, interval)
b1l = ta.lowest(bbs, interval)
[math.max(a1h, b1h), math.min(a1l, b1l)]
if do_oi_rescale
noi = normalized(oi, oi, oi, 260)
[sub_chart_max, sub_chart_min] = extreme(comm_net, lspecs_net, 260)
rescaled_oi = noi * (sub_chart_max - sub_chart_min) + sub_chart_min
oi := rescaled_oi
oi_momentum = input(26)
oi_minus_large = lspecs_net - oi
oi_plus_comm = comm_net + oi
oi_minus_large_mom = (oi_minus_large - oi_minus_large[oi_momentum ])
oi_plus_comm_mom = (oi_plus_comm - oi_plus_comm[oi_momentum ])
plot(oi_minus_large_mom, title="LargeSpecs - OI", color=color.rgb(53, 77, 58, 80), style=plot.style_area, linewidth = 2, display = display.none)
plot(oi_plus_comm_mom, title="Commercials + OI", color=color.rgb(67, 48, 48, 80), style=plot.style_area, linewidth = 2, display = display.none)
//----------------5% Detector for COT NET--------------------
max = ta.max(comm_net)
min = ta.min(comm_net)
percentbull = (max / 100 * 5)
percentbear = (min / 100 * 5)
maxmincol = comm_net == max or comm_net == min or comm_net <= percentbull and comm_net >= percentbear ? color.rgb(197, 170, 20) : color.red
// Plotting the data with different colors
plot(commercials_net, color=color.rgb(156, 17, 17), title="Commercials Net %OI", linewidth = 3, display = display.none)
plot(ta.sma(commercials_net, input(8)), color=color.rgb(7, 5, 147), title="Commercials Net SMA %OI", display = display.none)
plot(ta.sma(commercials_net, input(52)), color=color.rgb(12, 64, 162), title="Commercials Net SMA %OI", display = display.none)
plot(commercials_long, color=color.blue, title="Commercials Long %OI", display = display.none)
plot(ta.sma(commercials_long, input(8)), color=color.rgb(7, 5, 147), title="Commercials Long SMA %OI", display = display.none)
plot(ta.sma(commercials_long, input(52)), color=color.rgb(12, 64, 162), title="Commercials Long SMA %OI", display = display.none)
plot(commercials_short, color=color.rgb(219, 80, 25), title="Commercials Short %OI", display = display.none)
plot(ta.sma(commercials_short, input(8)), color=color.rgb(7, 5, 147), title="Commercials Short SMA %OI", display = display.none)
plot(ta.sma(commercials_short, input(52)), color=color.rgb(12, 64, 162), title="Commercials Short SMA %OI", display = display.none)
plot(custom_index(commercials_long, Index_Length), color=color.blue, title="Willco Commercials Long %OI 26", display = display.none)
plot(custom_index(-commercials_short, Index_Length), color=color.rgb(219, 80, 25), title="Willco Commercials Short %OI 26", display = display.none)
comnet_comnetpct = input(false, title='Commercials Net or Commercials Percent of OI', tooltip = 'Choose, if you want to use Commercials Net Positions instead of Commercials Net of Open Interest')
comNetIndex = comnet_comnetpct ? custom_index(comm_net, Index_Length) : custom_index(commercials_net, Index_Length)
comNetIndex2 = comnet_comnetpct ? custom_index(comm_net, Index_Length1) : custom_index(commercials_net, Index_Length1)
plot(comNetIndex, color=maxmincol, linewidth = 3 , title="Willco Commercials Net %OI 26", display = display.none)
plot(comNetIndex2, color=color.rgb(154, 22, 22), title="Willco Commercials Net %OI 6", display = display.none)
plot(non_commercials_net, color=color.green, title="Non-Commercials Net %OI", display = display.none)
plot(non_commercials_long, color=color.blue, title="Non-Commercials Long %OI", display = display.none)
plot(non_commercials_short, color=color.red, title="Non-Commercials Short %OI", display = display.none)
plot(non_commercials_spread, color=color.yellow, title="Non-Commercials Spread %OI", display = display.none)
plot(non_commercials_spread_index, color=color.yellow, title="Non-Commercials Spread Index", display = display.none)
plot(custom_index(more_oi_index, Index_Length), color=more_oi_index_col, linewidth = 2, title="Willco who has more %OI 26", style = plot.style_area, display = display.none)
plot(non_reportable_net, color=color.purple, title="Non-Reportable Net %OI", display = display.none)
plot(non_reportable_long, color=color.blue, title="Non-Reportable Long %OI", display = display.none)
plot(non_reportable_short, color=color.red, title="Non-Reportable Short %OI", display = display.none)
plot(custom_index(non_reportable_net, Index_Length), color=color.green, linewidth = 1, title="Willco Non Reportable %OI 26", style = plot.style_line, display = display.none)
plot(oi, color=color.gray, title="Open Interest", display = display.none)
plot(comm_long, title = "Commercials long", color = colorup_week, style = plot.style_columns, display = display.none)
plot(-comm_short, title = "Commercials short", color = colordown_week, style = plot.style_columns, display = display.none)
plot(comm_net, title = "Commercials net with color yellow if extrem minmax or 5% extrem Value", color = maxmincol, linewidth =2)
plot(more_oi_commercials, title = "Commercials net if more OI", color = color.rgb(200, 64, 64), linewidth = 3, style = plot.style_linebr, display = display.none)
plot(lspecs_long, title = "Large Speculators long", color = colorup_week, style = plot.style_columns, display = display.none)
plot(-lspecs_short, title = "Large Speculators short", color = colordown_week, style = plot.style_columns, display = display.none)
plot(lspecs_net, title = "Large Speculators net",color = color.rgb(29, 65, 211))
plot(more_oi_largespecs, title = "Large Speculators net if more OI",color = color.rgb(14, 148, 220), linewidth = 3, style = plot.style_linebr)
plot(sspecs_long, title = "Small Speculators long", color = colorup_week, style = plot.style_columns, display = display.none)
plot(-sspecs_short, title = "Small Speculators short", color = colordown_week, style = plot.style_columns, display = display.none)
plot(sspecs_net, title = "Small Speculators net", color = color.rgb(35, 128, 34), display = display.none)
hline(0, color=color.rgb(160, 165, 179, 70), linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
//----------------5% Detector for COT NET--------------------
p1 = plot(percentbull, title="+5%", color=color.rgb(208, 215, 208, 80), linewidth = 1, style= plot.style_area)
p2 = plot(percentbear, title="-5%", color=color.rgb(208, 215, 208, 80), linewidth = 1, style= plot.style_area)
Elliott Wave Detector
Pine Script
を使用すると、チャート上のエリオット波動の上昇および修正バンドを自動的に検出できます。 これらのバンドは継続的に検出および表示されるため、ユーザーはバンドの進行または修正の変化を追跡できます。 検出器検出された進行バンドは、フィボナッチ リトレースメントを予測するために使用することもできます。Fibonacci retracements)。このプログラムでは、ユーザーがさまざまなトリガー条件で「アラート」を設定することもできます。
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
indicator("1up Wave Detector", max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500, overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000)
i_hi = input.string('high' , title= '' , group='source [high - low]', inline='hl', options=['high', 'close', 'max open/close'])
i_lo = input.string('low' , title= '' , group='source [high - low]', inline='hl', options=['low' , 'close', 'min open/close'])
s1 = input.bool (true , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '1' )
len1 = input.int ( 4 , title= ' 1 Length', group='ZigZag' , inline= '1', minval =1 )
col1 = input.color (color.red , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '1' )
s2 = input.bool (true , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '2' )
len2 = input.int ( 8 , title= ' 2 Length', group='ZigZag' , inline= '2', minval =1 )
col2 = input.color (color.blue , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '2' )
s3 = input.bool (true , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '3' )
len3 = input.int (16 , title= ' 3 Length', group='ZigZag' , inline= '3', minval =1 )
col3 = input.color (color.white , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '3' )
i_500 = input.float (0.500 , title=' level 1', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )
i_618 = input.float (0.618 , title=' level 2', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )
i_764 = input.float (0.764 , title=' level 3', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )
i_854 = input.float (0.854 , title=' level 4', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )
shZZ = input.bool (false , title= '' , group='show ZZ' , inline='zz' )
//User Defined Types
type ZZ
int [] d
int [] x
float[] y
line [] l
type Ewave
line l1
line l2
line l3
line l4
line l5
label b1
label b2
label b3
label b4
label b5
bool on
bool br //= na
int dir
line lA
line lB
line lC
label bA
label bB
label bC
bool next = false
label lb
box bx
type fibL
line wave1_0_500
line wave1_0_618
line wave1_0_764
line wave1_0_854
line wave1_pole_
linefill l_fill_
bool _break_ //= na
hi = i_hi == 'high' ? high : i_hi == 'close' ? close : math.max(open, close)
lo = i_lo == 'low' ? low : i_hi == 'close' ? close : math.min(open, close)
in_out(aZZ, d, x1, y1, x2, y2, col) =>
aZZ.d.unshift(d), aZZ.x.unshift(x2), aZZ.y.unshift(y2), aZZ.d.pop(), aZZ.x.pop(), aZZ.y.pop()
if shZZ
aZZ.l.unshift(line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, color= col)), aZZ.l.pop().delete()
method isSame(Ewave gEW, _1x, _2x, _3x, _4x) =>
t1 = _1x == gEW.l1.get_x1()
t2 = _2x == gEW.l2.get_x1()
t3 = _3x == gEW.l3.get_x1()
t4 = _4x == gEW.l4.get_x1()
t1 and t2 and t3 and t4
method isSame2(Ewave gEW, _1x, _2x, _3x) =>
t1 = _1x == gEW.l3.get_x2()
t2 = _2x == gEW.l4.get_x2()
t3 = _3x == gEW.l5.get_x2()
t1 and t2 and t3
method dot(Ewave gEW) =>
gEW.b1.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.b2.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.b3.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.b4.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.b5.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.on := false
method dash(Ewave gEW) =>
gEW.bA.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.bB.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.bC.set_textcolor (color(na))
gEW.bx.set_bgcolor (color(na))
gEW.bx.set_border_color (color(na))
method sol_dot(fibL nFibL, sol_dot, col) =>
style =
sol_dot == 'dot' ?
line.style_dotted :
sol_dot == 'sol' ?
line.style_solid :
method set(fibL nFibL, int x1, int x2, float max_500, float max_618, float max_764, float max_854, float y2) =>
nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy1(x1, max_500)
nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy2(x2, max_500)
nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy1(x1, max_618)
nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy2(x2, max_618)
nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy1(x1, max_764)
nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy2(x2, max_764)
nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy1(x1, max_854)
nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy2(x2, max_854)
nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy1(x1, y2 )
nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy2(x1, max_854)
nFibL.l_fill_.get_line1().set_xy1(x1, max_764)
nFibL.l_fill_.get_line1().set_xy2(x2, max_764)
nFibL.l_fill_.get_line2().set_xy1(x1, max_854)
nFibL.l_fill_.get_line2().set_xy2(x2, max_854)
method setNa(fibL nFibL) =>
nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy2(na, na)
draw(enabled, left, col, n) =>
max_bars_back(time, 2000)
var int dir = na, var int x1= na, var float y1 = na, var int x2 = na, var float y2 = na, var Ewave gEW = na
var int last_0x = na , var float last_0y = na , var int last_6x = na , var float last_6y = na
if enabled
var fibL nFibL = fibL.new(
wave1_0_500 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 50), style= line.style_solid ),
wave1_0_618 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 38), style= line.style_solid ),
wave1_0_764 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 24), style= line.style_solid ),
wave1_0_854 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 15), style= line.style_solid ),
wave1_pole_ = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 50), style= line.style_dashed),
l_fill_ = linefill.new(
line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color(na))
, line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color(na))
, color= color(na))
, _break_ = na
var ZZ aZZ = ZZ.new(array.new < int > ()
, array.new < int > ()
, array.new < float > ()
, array.new < line > () )
var Ewave[] aEW = array.new < Ewave > ()
if barstate.isfirst
for i = 0 to 10
aZZ.l.unshift(shZZ ? line.new(na, na, na, na) : na)
sz = aZZ.d.size( )
x2 := bar_index -1
ph = ta.pivothigh(hi, left, 1)
pl = ta.pivotlow (lo, left, 1)
t = n == 2 ? '\n\n' : n == 1 ? '\n' : ''
// when a new Pivot High is found
if not na(ph)
gEW := aEW.get (0)
dir := aZZ.d.get (0)
x1 := aZZ.x.get (0)
y1 := aZZ.y.get (0)
y2 := nz(hi[1])
if dir < 1 // if previous point was a pl, add, and change direction ( 1)
in_out(aZZ, 1, x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
if dir == 1 and ph > y1
aZZ.x.set(0, x2), aZZ.y.set(0, y2)
if shZZ
aZZ.l.get(0).set_xy2(x2, y2)
_6x = x2, _6y = y2
_5x = aZZ.x.get(1), _5y = aZZ.y.get(1)
_4x = aZZ.x.get(2), _4y = aZZ.y.get(2)
_3x = aZZ.x.get(3), _3y = aZZ.y.get(3)
_2x = aZZ.x.get(4), _2y = aZZ.y.get(4)
_1x = aZZ.x.get(5), _1y = aZZ.y.get(5)
// –––––––––––––––––––––[ 12345 ]–––––––––––––––––––––
_W5 = _6y - _5y
_W3 = _4y - _3y
_W1 = _2y - _1y
min = math.min(_W1, _W3, _W5)
isWave =
_W3 != min and
_6y > _4y and
_3y > _1y and
_5y > _2y
same = gEW.isSame(_1x, _2x, _3x, _4x)
if isWave
if same
gEW.l5.set_xy2(_6x, _6y)
gEW.b5.set_xy (_6x, _6y)
tx = ''
if _2x == aEW.get(0).b5.get_x()
tx := '(5) (1)'
tx := '(1)'
wave = Ewave.new(
l1 = line.new (_1x, _1y, _2x, _2y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l2 = line.new (_2x, _2y, _3x, _3y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l3 = line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l4 = line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l5 = line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
b1 = label.new(_2x, _2y, text= tx + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
b2 = label.new(_3x, _3y, text= t + '(2)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
b3 = label.new(_4x, _4y, text= '(3)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
b4 = label.new(_5x, _5y, text= t + '(4)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
b5 = label.new(_6x, _6y, text= '(5)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
on = true ,
br = false ,
dir = 1
nFibL._break_ := false
alert('New EW Motive Bullish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if not isWave
if same and gEW.on == true
alert('Invalidated EW Motive Bullish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// –––––––––––––––––––––[ ABC ]–––––––––––––––––––––
getEW = aEW.get(0)
last_0x := getEW.l1.get_x1(), last_0y := getEW.l1.get_y1()
last_6x := getEW.l5.get_x2(), last_6y := getEW.l5.get_y2()
diff = math.abs(last_6y - last_0y)
if getEW.dir == -1
getX = getEW.l5.get_x2()
getY = getEW.l5.get_y2()
isSame2 = getEW.isSame2 (_1x, _2x, _3x)
isValid =
_3x == getX and
_6y < getY + (diff * i_854) and
_4y < getY + (diff * i_854) and
_5y > getY
if isValid
width = _6x - _2x // –––[ width (4) - (c) ]–––
if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
getEW.lC.set_xy1(_5x, _5y), getEW.lC.set_xy2(_6x, _6y), getEW.bC.set_xy(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_lefttop(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_right(_6x + width)
getEW.lA := line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y, color=col), getEW.bA := label.new(_4x, _4y, text= '(a)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down)
getEW.lB := line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y, color=col), getEW.bB := label.new(_5x, _5y, text= t + '(b)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up )
getEW.lC := line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y, color=col), getEW.bC := label.new(_6x, _6y, text= '(c)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down)
getEW.bx := box.new (_6x, _6y, _6x + width, _4y, bgcolor=color.new(col, 93), border_color=color.new(col, 65))
alert('New EW Corrective Bullish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
alert('Invalidated EW Corrective Bullish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// –––––––––––––––––––––[ new (1) ? ]–––––––––––––––––––––
if getEW.dir == 1
if _5x == getEW.bC.get_x() and
_6y > getEW.b5.get_y() and
getEW.next == false
getEW.next := true
getEW.lb := label.new(_6x, _6y, style=label.style_circle, color=color.new(col, 65), yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.tiny)
alert('Possible new start of EW Motive Bullish Wave', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// when a new Pivot Low is found
if not na(pl)
gEW := aEW.get (0)
dir := aZZ.d.get (0)
x1 := aZZ.x.get (0)
y1 := aZZ.y.get (0)
y2 := nz(lo[1])
if dir > -1 // if previous point was a ph, add, and change direction (-1)
in_out(aZZ, -1, x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
if dir == -1 and pl < y1
aZZ.x.set(0, x2), aZZ.y.set(0, y2)
if shZZ
aZZ.l.get(0).set_xy2(x2, y2)
_6x = x2, _6y = y2
_5x = aZZ.x.get(1), _5y = aZZ.y.get(1)
_4x = aZZ.x.get(2), _4y = aZZ.y.get(2)
_3x = aZZ.x.get(3), _3y = aZZ.y.get(3)
_2x = aZZ.x.get(4), _2y = aZZ.y.get(4)
_1x = aZZ.x.get(5), _1y = aZZ.y.get(5)
// –––––––––––––––––––––[ 12345 ]–––––––––––––––––––––
_W5 = _5y - _6y
_W3 = _3y - _4y
_W1 = _1y - _2y
min = math.min(_W1, _W3, _W5)
isWave =
_W3 != min and
_4y > _6y and
_1y > _3y and
_2y > _5y
same = isSame(gEW, _1x, _2x, _3x, _4x)
if isWave
if same
gEW.l5.set_xy2(_6x, _6y)
gEW.b5.set_xy (_6x, _6y)
tx = ''
if _2x == aEW.get(0).b5.get_x()
tx := '(5) (1)'
tx := '(1)'
wave = Ewave.new(
l1 = line.new (_1x, _1y, _2x, _2y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l2 = line.new (_2x, _2y, _3x, _3y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l3 = line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l4 = line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
l5 = line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
b1 = label.new(_2x, _2y, text= t + tx, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
b2 = label.new(_3x, _3y, text= '(2)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
b3 = label.new(_4x, _4y, text= t + '(3)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
b4 = label.new(_5x, _5y, text= '(4)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
b5 = label.new(_6x, _6y, text= t + '(5)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
on = true ,
br = false ,
dir =-1
nFibL._break_ := false
alert('New EW Motive Bearish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if not isWave
if same and gEW.on == true
alert('Invalidated EW Motive Bearish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// –––––––––––––––––––––[ ABC ]–––––––––––––––––––––
getEW = aEW.get(0)
last_0x := getEW.l1.get_x1(), last_0y := getEW.l1.get_y1()
last_6x := getEW.l5.get_x2(), last_6y := getEW.l5.get_y2()
diff = math.abs(last_6y - last_0y)
if getEW.dir == 1
getX = getEW.l5.get_x2()
getY = getEW.l5.get_y2()
isSame2 = getEW.isSame2 (_1x, _2x, _3x)
isValid =
_3x == getX and
_6y > getY - (diff * i_854) and
_4y > getY - (diff * i_854) and
_5y < getY
if isValid
width = _6x - _2x // –––[ width (4) - (c) ]–––
if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
getEW.lC.set_xy1(_5x, _5y), getEW.lC.set_xy2(_6x, _6y), getEW.bC.set_xy(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_lefttop(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_right(_6x + width)
getEW.lA := line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y, color=col), getEW.bA := label.new(_4x, _4y, text= t + '(a)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up )
getEW.lB := line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y, color=col), getEW.bB := label.new(_5x, _5y, text= '(b)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down)
getEW.lC := line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y, color=col), getEW.bC := label.new(_6x, _6y, text= t + '(c)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up )
getEW.bx := box.new (_6x, _6y, _6x + width, _4y, bgcolor=color.new(col, 93), border_color=color.new(col, 65))
alert('New EW Corrective Bearish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
alert('Invalidated EW Corrective Bullish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// –––[ check (only once) for a possible new (1) after an impulsive AND corrective wave ]–––
if getEW.dir == -1
if _5x == getEW.bC.get_x() and
_6y < getEW.b5.get_y() and
getEW.next == false
getEW.next := true
getEW.lb := label.new(_6x, _6y, style=label.style_circle, color=color.new(col, 65), yloc=yloc.belowbar, size=size.tiny)
alert('Possible new start of EW Motive Bearish Wave', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// –––[ check for break box ]–––
if aEW.size() > 0
gEW := aEW.get(0)
if gEW.dir == 1
if ta.crossunder(low , gEW.bx.get_bottom()) and bar_index <= gEW.bx.get_right()
label.new(bar_index, low , yloc= yloc.belowbar, style= label.style_xcross, color=color.red, size=size.tiny)
if ta.crossover (high, gEW.bx.get_top ()) and bar_index <= gEW.bx.get_right()
label.new(bar_index, high, yloc= yloc.abovebar, style= label.style_xcross, color=color.red, size=size.tiny)
if barstate.islast
// –––[ get last 2 EW's ]–––
getEW = aEW.get(0)
if aEW.size() > 1
getEW1 = aEW.get(1)
last_0x := getEW.l1.get_x1(), last_0y := getEW.l1.get_y1()
last_6x := getEW.l5.get_x2(), last_6y := getEW.l5.get_y2()
diff = math.abs(last_6y - last_0y) // –––[ max/min difference ]–––
_500 = diff * i_500
_618 = diff * i_618
_764 = diff * i_764
_854 = diff * i_854
bull = getEW.dir == 1
// –––[ if EW is not valid or an ABC has developed -> remove fibonacci lines ]–––
if getEW.on == false or getEW.bC.get_x() > getEW.b5.get_x()
// –––[ get.on == true ~ valid EW ]–––
max_500 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _500)
max_618 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _618)
max_764 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _764)
max_854 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _854)
nFibL.set(last_6x, bar_index + 10, max_500, max_618, max_764, max_854, last_6y)
// –––[ if (2) label overlap with (C) label ]–––
if getEW.b2.get_x() == getEW1.bC.get_x()
strB = getEW1.bB.get_text()
strC = getEW1.bC.get_text()
strB_ = str.replace(strB, "(b)", "(b) (1)", 0)
strC_ = str.replace(strC, "(c)", "(c) (2)", 0)
// –––[ check if fib limits are broken ]–––
getP_854 = nFibL.wave1_0_854.get_y1()
for i = 0 to bar_index - nFibL.wave1_0_854.get_x1()
if getEW.dir == -1
if high[i] > getP_854
nFibL._break_ := true
if low [i] < getP_854
nFibL._break_ := true
switch nFibL._break_
true => nFibL.sol_dot('dot', color.new(color.red , 95))
false => nFibL.sol_dot('sol', color.new(color.lime, 95))
nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy2(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy1(na, na)
nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy2(na, na)
if aEW.size() > 15
pop = aEW.pop()
pop.l1.delete(), pop.b1.delete()
pop.l2.delete(), pop.b2.delete()
pop.l3.delete(), pop.b3.delete()
pop.l4.delete(), pop.b4.delete()
pop.l5.delete(), pop.b5.delete()
pop.lA.delete(), pop.bA.delete()
pop.lB.delete(), pop.bB.delete()
pop.lC.delete(), pop.bC.delete()
pop.lb.delete(), pop.bx.delete()
draw(s1, len1, col1, 0)
draw(s2, len2, col2, 1)
draw(s3, len3, col3, 2)